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戴维总督。Governor Davey.

亚瑟总督。Governor Arthur.

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以前她抽总督牌…She used to smoke Viceroys.

他也曾经担任过两江总督。He was also a governor here.

代码清理克洛诺斯总督。Code clean up Cronos Governor.

总督大人要我恳请你。His Excellency entreats you by me.

达令总督从来都不受欢迎。Governor Darling was never popular.

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他就在这里担任过两江总督。He was a Liang Jiang Governor here.

这两个人你认识么,总督?Are these two known to you, magister?

保罗承认是他下毒谋害总督。Paolo admits that he poisoned the doge.

总督也带着夫人去啦。And the viceroy was there with his lady.

肥胖的总督熟练地舔掉了黏在嘴唇上的油脂。The fat man dabbed grease from his lips.

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后来他成为了牙买加的总督Later he was made the governor of Jamaica.

纳波布莫卧儿帝国统治下的印度总督。A governor in India under the Mogul Empire.

他带著推翻总督的决心离开。He leaves, determined to overthrow the doge.

这里就是清代的两江总督署。This was the Liang Jiang Governor's Mansion.

贝灵汉总督大人在吗?Is the worshipful governor bel lingham within?

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孔总督在运动会里投了很多钱。Governor Koong placed great stock in the Games.

我在锡兰时住在总督家里。I stayed with the governor when I was in Celon.

往往和盗匪无甚差别的总督大人们。Viceroys who were often no better than bandits.