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谁来都会被欢迎。来者不拒。Who eyer comes will be welcomed.

他要大宴宾客,来者不拒,像王公贵族一样。He would keep open house and entertain like a prince.

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我了解到鲁本是一个可爱的人,不管谁上门拉广告他都会来者不拒。I learned that Ruben was a darling man who bought from everyone.

伍德不论选择朋友还是敌人都是随随便便,来者不拒。Wood is indiscriminate in his choice of friends as well as enemies.

南极章鱼的食谱宽泛,从蛤蚌到鱼类皆来者不拒。Antarctic octopuses eat a wide variety of animals, from clams to fish.

这就是为什么我需要进行分类,它在这里,使其更易于为新来者不拒。That's why I need to sort it out here and make it easier for new comers.

事实上,现在巴拿马金融业远非过去的来者不拒。Panama is indeed now far removed from its erstwhile financial free-for-all.

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这在技术上会让我们有一个优势,能帮上忙的来者不拒。It might give us a technological edge, and we needed all the help we could get.

每逢周日,胡博士家的大门都会敞开,来者不拒。Dr. Hu keeps open house on Sundays. Nobody then is refused entrance to his house.

他来者不拒照单全收,几圈下来开始歪歪倒倒。He is all are welcome to shine on all of the lists to accept, several turn down start to be slanting pouring.

拉菲酒庄只对预定的访客开放,但对中国的这些未来的巨富则来者不拒。Visits to Château Lafite itself are reserved for invited guests, but China’s would-be tycoons are not put off.

不过每次训练结束,面对球迷的签名和合影要求,他来者不拒,但依旧是没有笑容。But every training session ended, the signature of a photo and face fans demand, he still is not the net, but smile.

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我们偏爱那些体形较胖的男人,当然,最好真的长着一脸胡须,不过我们也并非吹毛求疵之人,原则上是来者不拒。"We prefer chubby men, of course, ideally with a real beard but we're not picky and take what we get," he told Reuters.

我们偏爱那些体形较胖的男人,当然,最好真的长着一脸胡须,不过我们也并非吹毛求疵之人,原则上是来者不拒。"We prefer chubby men, of course, ideally with a real beard but we're not picky and take what we get, " he told Reuters.

州立保护区里,一只灰松鼠对游客给的坚果零食一律来者不拒,导致体型像气球一样,有两个松鼠那么大。The grey squirrel has ballooned to twice its normal size after tourists repeatedly fed it nuts in the Morro Rock State Preserve.

他对宾客是来者不拒,有才能的让他们各尽其能,没有才能的也提供食宿。Never refusing anyone who came to hime, he let the talented people do what they could and also offered food and lodging to the mediocre.

任何人,无论身高、体重、年龄、性别、种族、宗教信仰及文化程度,来者不拒。Anybody, regardless of the height, the body weight, the age, the sex, the race, the religious belief and the years of schooling, all comes are welcome.

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由于只要你出得起参赛费,该赛事就来者不拒,因此参赛选手的水平和胜败记录参差不齐。Because the tournament is open to anyone who pays the entry fee, its participants have varying levels of experience and differing records of success or failure.

南极章鱼的食谱宽泛,从蛤蚌到鱼类皆来者不拒。捕猎时,章鱼先用触须抓住猎物,然后用毒液杀死它们,其捕猎过程和毒蛇很相像。Antarctic octopuses eat a wide variety of animals, from clams to fish. They catch their prey with their tentacles and use their venom to kill them, much like snakes.

仅仅在少林寺周边的城镇就有十几所武术学校,有的学校还聘请少林寺僧人下山教授武术,无论是希望修炼精神还是参与竞技,他们对这些学生都来者不拒。The town around Shaolin is home to dozens of wushu schools, some employing monks from the temple who accept as students both the spiritually and competitively inclined.