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律师依据事实办案。A lawyer Builds his case on facts.

这一主张的依据是什么?What is the foundation of your claim?

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当然这也是有事实依据的。There is certainly some truth to this.

我以这些事实作为论点的依据。I bottomed my arguments on these facts.

传染病病原学的新依据New Credibility for Infectious Etiology

这些规则所依据的事实。These rules are based on the fact that.

相手术有没有任何科学依据?Does palmistry have any basis in science?

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这是一个有大量事实作依据的理论。This is a theory well-supported by facts.

然而,这些疑问是有依据的。Those doubts are, however, well-grounded.

我们依据他的奉献付酬。We pay him according to his contribution.

你对他的憎恨是没有依据的Your hatred towards them was unmotivated.

有些人无法律依据被关押多年。Some are unjustifiably detained for years.

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这部分是本文的现实依据。The part is reality-based of this article.

其依据是析出的创作。Its basis is the emanation of the creation.

一切行动须有最可靠的科学依据。Actions based on the best available science.

依据合法的记帐凭证登帐。Registration of all the legal account books.

那么,那句关于猪油的报道的事实依据是什么?So where did that line about lard come from?

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为杂交稻制种高产提供了理论依据。These afford theory for hybrid seed produce.

这句古老的格言背后有什么样的科学依据呢?What’s the science behind this old aphorism?

政府制定政策必须有理论依据。Government policy ought to be evidence based.