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恸哭,为这邪恶的世道!Wail, for the worlds wrong!

“什么世道,”那男人嘀咕了一下。"Whata ripoff, " the man muttered.

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世道总是如此,我父亲说。That’s how it always happens, my father says.

世道艰难,我们没有生日礼物可以送给你。Times are tough, and we have no present for you.

心中百思不解,为何世道变了。Mind does not understand why the morals have changed.

敢于和不公正的世道进行斗争。And take action against injustice and unfairness in this world.

过去的铁匠现在都变成钢铁工人了,世道总是在变的。Once there were blacksmiths and there were steel workers, butthings change.

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将心比心,你如果生活在一个黑白颠倒的世道里,除了找些借口抱怨,还能做什么?When you live a life filled with wrong, what else do you have but excuses and blame?

它既是主人公对,乱离世道,的控诉,也是她对自身命运的悲叹。It is both a hero right, Luanli morals, the complaint, but also lament the fate of her own.

有时也许你会扪心自问,在这世道里还值不值得做个好人。Sometimes you probably have asked yourself, if it really worth being nice in today’s world.

这些做法对那些高管通常是有用的,但这次媒体却集体抛弃了他,如今的世道变啦!This usually works for ultra-senior officers. This time around the media made lunchmeat out of him.

唉,”卡德鲁斯用满带法国南部色彩的语言继续说道,“世道是愈变愈坏。Caderousse, speaking in the highly colored language of the south, "the world grows worse and worse".

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孔子重视盟誓,参与盟誓,企图以盟誓救世道人心。Confucius stressed and participated in the treaty of alliance, to make an attempt to save people' s soul.

他说,世道如此艰难,当地神社已不再为夏季庆典雇佣乐师。Times are so tough that the local Shinto shrine has stopped hiring musicians for summer festivals, he said.

细节决定成败,谋略致胜于商道、勤奋致胜于世道!Details determine success or failure, winning strategy in the commercial way, hard-working success in morals!

唉,”卡德鲁斯用满带法国南部色彩的语言继续说道,“世道是愈变愈坏。AH, " continued Caderousse, speaking in the highly colored language of the south, "the world grows worse and worse.

他在世道浇漓时养成笃信宗教的果敢性格,为了良心的缘故而成为一个受难者。In evil times, he had established a character for courage and religion, by becoming a sufferer for conscience'sake.

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也许是我太神经过敏,不过如今这世道,我可不想脖子周围戴着比脑袋更值钱的东西。Maybe I'm paranoid , but in this day and age, I don't want something around my neck that's worth more than my head.

这是什么可悲的世道?这就是有着世界上最生机勃勃民主名声的两院制议会?It's a sad reflection on a bicameral parliament that has a reputation for being one of the most vibrant in the world.

然而说教般的呼吁究竟难于传播,人们总是优先选择自我放弃,表明自己是聪明的,而且深谙世道。However, what is called sermons spread, people always preferred to give up self, that he is wise, and knows the world.