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你能疏解这些外文词的意思吗?Can you explain the meaning of these foreign words?

她是这用正面思考来疏解自己焦虑的情绪。She tried to temper her angst by thinking positively.

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本文研究了挤压疏解作用对木片吸收性的影响。The paper studies on the effect of impressafining on absorbability of wood chips.

有一个无名的引用,“微笑疏解欲皱的眉。”There is an anonymous quote that states, “A smile confuses an approaching frown.”

以宁波市通途路、江南路施工期间交通疏解方案为例验证了措施的实用性。Case studies have been carried out in Ningbo to validate the practicality of these strategies.

等待检验报告让她太焦虑了,她靠离开医院去散步来疏解她的担心。The angst of waiting for the test result was so great that she left the hospital to walk off her worry.

吃巧克力、不停地疯狂购物、做健身都是她疏解压力的合理方式。Eating chocolate, going on shopping sprees, and working out are all acceptable ways for her to ease stress.

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当然,这些公司也自然可以从政府疏解其债务负担的过程中获得丰厚的回报。The companies get access to rampant profit potential, in return for the government suppressing its debt burden.

桑拿通过放松肌肉,创造舒适的感觉,对疏解压力非常有效。Saunas are very effective at relieving stress by relaxing the muscles and creating a general sense of well being.

本文通过分析城市交通拥挤的成因,提出疏解其问题的解决策略。Through the analysis of causes of traffic congestion in the city, put forward the solution to the problem solution.

本文以在建南京地铁二号线一期工程新街口车站施工期地面交通疏解所采用的钢便桥为工程背景。This paper presents the application of temporary steel bridge as the access of construction machineries and vehicles.

在实际援助的社会工作中,运用心理学的方法,对受助者因地震灾害带来的心理困扰进行疏解。Applying the psychology method to relief the psychological troubles of post-disaster people during the social work practice.

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需要建立有效的疏解通道和新的公共机构,帮助留守儿童解决心理问题。The establishment of effective communication channel and public institution is expected to solve their psychological problem.

最后基于该框架,给出了深圳市地铁施工期间交通疏解的实例。Finally, based on this solution framework, it presents a specific example of traffic organization during subway construction in Shenzhen.

使用次氯酸盐作疏解剂可以提高疏解效果,但是会污染环境,同时纤维受损也较严重。Using hypochlorite can improve the effect of fiber disintegration, but it causes environmental pollution problems and damages fiber quality.

讲述了道路网规划的基本思想是疏解,并从道路等级结构、道路网密度和道路网的结构形式三个方面阐述了道路网规划应重视的基本内容。Basic contents of road network planning are expounded from three aspects of road category scale, road network density and road network shape.

随着地铁2号线站点建设的全面铺开,各项交通疏解措施也在紧张进行中。With the overall construction of station sites of Subway No. 2 Line being launched, the traffic control measures are carried out in full swing.

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没有一站式的管理机制可疏解忧虑,但是个人可选择他们最关切的课程。There is no one-stop crisis management center to ease that worry, but individuals can pick and choose courses that meet their greatest concerns.

本文以在建南京地铁二号线一期工程新街口车站施工期地面交通疏解所采用的钢便桥为工程背景。This article took temporary steel bridge for traffic organization during construction in the first stage of under—construction Nanjing Metro Line 2.

为了让李彪疏解本人的心结,王政委命他担任锄奸队的顾问,辅佐捕捉林振海。In order to make LiBiao discongest himself heart and WangZhengWei life he served as the anti-espionage team consultants, LinZhenHai adjuvant capture.