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请发问,很难让我指出让谁提问,请这位女同学。Let's have your questions.

他给不出让托曼加入他们的理由。He had seen no reason for Tommen to join them.

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业主希望出让单位后买一个较大的单位。The landlord wants to sell this unit and buy a bigger one.

出让方和受让方约定的其他事项。Other matters stipulated by the transferor and the transferee.

出让地和划拨地出租的,由出租人缴纳土地收益金。Sold and allocated to the rental by lessors pay land revenue payments.

何氏有意将其中的一个出让给急欲在港上市的铭源集团。Ho to be sold to one of the Ming sources are listed in Hong Kong Group.

因此在2006年年底,我决定要去存一些钱,就出让了我的公寓。So in late 2006, I decided to save some money and I gave up my apartment.

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以出让方式获得土地使用权,出让金可分段支付。Third, ways to obtain land use right transfer, transfer fees can be paid sub.

目前,我国存在土地使用权有偿出让与无偿划拨两种制度。There exist onerous remise system and nude transfer system of right of land use.

出让期满后,使用者可优先续租。At the end of the remising time, the users have the priority to continue renting.

第二部分,拍卖出让建设用地使用权的历史沿革。The second part is the history of the construction of land-use rights to remise by auction.

开发商从土地出让、厂房出让或出租、进区企业上缴税收中获取收益。Developers can gain income form remising land, selling or renting workshops and tax revenue.

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再舒服地深吸一口气,舒服地呼出让所有的压力消失。Take another comfortable deep breath in and comfortably exhale just letting all the stress go.

项目总投资约8亿元,建成后通过出让、租赁经营获得收益。The total investment is about CNY 800 million which is to be repaid through selling and lease.

第一百三十七条设立建设用地使用权,可以采取出让或者划拨等方式。Article 137 The right to use construction land may be created through transfer or allotment, etc.

二手家具用品讲场欢迎各会员留言赠送、出让、徵求或报料所有有关二手家居用品程报。Thank you for using Used Furniture and Product forum to look for new home for your old furniture.

2010年,厂房拆迁中土地使用权出让合同纠纷案。A contract dispute on granting land-use right resulting from the factory house requisitioned in 2010.

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随着土地价值下降,从新制定的土地出让中可得的土地出让金也将减少。As land value goes down, land leasing fees obtainable from newly established land lease will decrease.

随着我国土地使用制度改革的不断深入,国有土地使用权出让已成为土地出让市场的主体。With the deepening of the reform of land-use system, land lease has become the mainstay of the market.

花儿声称少龙将村屋的一半业权出让给她,瑞薏拿她没办法。Flowers says little dragon will half the village house ownership transfer to her, job and she couldn t.