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朦脓中做了很多自娱自乐的傻事。Dim pus did a lot of enjoyment.

她以骗人而自娱。She enjoys doing other people down.

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那是我唯一会自娱自乐的时间。It's the only time I'm entertaining.

男孩们以游戏自娱。The boys amused themselves with games.

她和她婴儿说话聊以自娱。She diverted herself with talking to her baby.

在这世界的海滩上,孩子们自娱自乐。Children have their play on the seashore of world.

人们可以在网上观看老人们自娱自乐的情景。Users can watch the old people enjoying themselves.

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“葵依”,是哈萨克族男子自娱性舞蹈。"Kuiyi"is a self-entertaining dance among Kazakh men.

所以网站也只是我们自娱自乐的一个工具。So the website also is a tool that we amuse oneself only.

晚饭之后,他们自娱自乐But after dinner, they do what they do to amuse themselves.

拥有一项业余爱好也很重要,仅为自娱自乐。It’s also important to have a hobby. Something that’s just for you.

西面的墙上挂着一把小提琴,那是我的最爱,闲暇时我总是拉小提琴自娱自乐。It is my favorite. I usually play it to enjoy myself at my spare time.

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罢官闲居三十余载,以诗丈自娱。Dismissal homebound three more than ten years of poetry husband amused.

不莱梅人自娱自乐的特质,在夜里更加明显。People's personality of amusing oneself is more obvious in the evening.

她活在显而易见的自由地带里,一个人自娱自乐。She live in the free zone in the obvious. A person to enjoy themselves.

他们亲自奏刀创作,寄情写意,聊以自娱,馈赠亲友。They create them personally for self-entertainment, or as presents for relatives.

从本质上讲,网络恶搞并没有太多的恶意,只是一种自娱的手段或需要。In essence, the Internet " Kuso" isn" t evil. It is only a means of entertainment.

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这事您也知道,我们没有电视机看,我们就只好自娱自乐了。We didn’t have a television set, you know, and we had to entertain ourselves somehow.

过了一会儿,他哼起了曲子,不顾我在旁边,很享受他的自娱自乐。After a while, he played a tune, humming regardless of I beside, enjoying his enjoyment.

科特兰的父亲是个裁缝,可以演奏多种乐器自娱自乐。Coltrane's father sewed colthes. He played several musical instruments for his own enjoyment.