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它们在烛光中油光发亮。They glowed in the candlelight.

用吸油纸吸去油光。Use blotting paper to remove shine.

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极致舒适无油腻感,不泛油光。Ultimate comfort without feeling greasy, not oily.

皮毛光滑,油光锃亮,吃得饱饱的,发生了什么事?Youre fur is sleek and glossy, you're well-fed — what happened?

钱德尔勒尔群岛水中可见的油污和油光。Oil blobs and oil sheen are seen in the waters of Chandeleur Sound, La.

我肿起的眼圈周围的皮肤油光噌亮而且已经失去了感觉。The skin stretched tight across the swelling around my eyes feels varnished.

它不会让我的皮肤看起来油光,甚至有哑光的感觉。This did not add oiliness , in fact it seemed to keep my skin looking matte.

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在雨林深绿色背景的映衬下,这只熊的毛发显得异常油光闪亮。Set against the dark palette of the rain forest, the bear's fur appears shabbily radiant.

这款泡沫洁面霜可以缩小毛孔减少油光且没有紧绷感。This foaming cream cleanser could minimize the pores and control shine without feeling tight.

呈现油光便显示过分油腻,有可能刺激得长暗疮。It is beyond the mark to present glossy to show fat, possible stimulation must grow dark sore.

它提供了长期持久的控油功效,使您的肌肤常保清新和无油光。It provides long lasting sebum control performance to enable your skin to stay fresh and matt.

老式椅子油光锃亮,那张胡桃木桌子象面穿衣镜。The old-fashioned chairs were very bright, and the walnut-wood table was like a looking-glass.

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一条绿色的蓝藻带漂浮在湖畔,湖面上泛着油光,这里便是中国第三大淡水水体,太湖。AN OILY green algal film slops on the shore of Tai Lake, China's third-largest freshwater body.

芦荟和杏子用以修护头发,令头发轻盈及油光不再。A light Aloe &Apricot infused conditioner to repair the hair without any heaviness or greasiness.

她体型不小,黄头发,皮肤很白,上面满是油光发亮的护肤品。She was a big woman with very yellow hair and white skin that glistened with a greasy preparation.

使用干爽触感技术,吸收多余的防晒霜油脂,给你干净轻薄不油光的使用感受。Dry-Touch technology absorbs excess sunscreen oils, leaving a clean, lightweight, non-shiny finish.

我皮肤里的水分一点点地被它吸走了,然后浮出一层油光。I am a little bit of moisture in the skin being that it sucked, and then rising to a layer of shiny.

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越缺水越油腻,入冬即使仍然油光满面,也可能会有脱皮现象。The less water the more greasy, even though winter is still greasy, there may be peeling phenomenon.

讨厌油光、豆豆吗?不要因为怕肌肤泛油冒豆,就忽略了基础的保湿工作。Hate shiny, pimples? Do not be afraid to get oily skin or pimples and ignores the basic moisturizing.

研制的双管井多功能抽油光杆密封器采用二级密封方式,主要由抽油光杆扶正保护、纠偏和盘根密封部分组成。Aim at current disadvantage of bare tugging in dual tubing well, a new seal for bare tubing is developed.