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在石灰华和钟乳石上进行攀爬。Amazing climbing on tufas and stalagtites.

洞中的钟乳石千姿百态,形状奇特。Mix of the stalactite cave, strange shapes.

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在钟乳石溶洞里,可以见到渗流现象。Seepage flow can be observed in stalactite caves.

鼻子,很明显,是一个凝聚了的水滴,或钟乳石。The nose is a manifest congealed drop or stalactite.

多数钟乳石和石笋都有自己的名字。Most of the stalactites and stalagmites have their own names.

还有一个小瀑布和一些有着明亮颜色钟乳石。There was also a small waterfall with brightly colored stalactites.

石笋在钟乳石下面,它们二者都在增长,最终会合。A stalagmite is below a stalactite and they both grow, eventually to meet.

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当时,康文跟我偷偷摸到钟乳石林。At that time, Kang text heel I secretly touched a clock milk a stone a wood.

当钟乳石与石笋连在一起,称之为圆柱。Once a stalactite and a stalagmite are connected, then it is called a column.

这已经是在龙肚里面了,到处都是奇形怪状的钟乳石。This is already inside the dragon's body, everywhere are these weird stalactites.

请诸位算一算,这么大的钟乳石得需要多少个漫长的岁月啊!You can calculate, how long will it take for the stalactite of such type to grow.

看着洞里的钟乳石和石佛像,怎么也得个几万年吧?Looking at the cave with stalactites and statues, how also get a few million years?

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钟乳石向下生长,相反石笋则向上生长。Stalagtites are growing downwards, contrary to stalagmites which are growing upwards.

正在生长的钟乳石上的水,落到地面上后可以形成“石笋”。Water that falls onto the ground below from the growing stalactite can form stalagmites.

我们试图发现水从哪里来的,之后看到一些大型的钟乳石在闪光。We tried to spot where the water was coming from and saw some great stalactites shining.

石笋和钟乳石?你才知道学校的课程在哪儿能用上。Stalagmites and stalactites? You never know when those school lessons will come in handy.

钟乳石的方解石和一小的文石组成似乎像一不可思议的背景。Stalactites of calcite and a small aragonite formation appear as if in a magical backdrop.

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地面上的石笋与顶上的钟乳石相接在一起时就成了“石柱”。When these ground formations meet up with the ceiling formations, the result is a "column.

上午刚好又偶遇文史专家王力明先生,听他讲,钟乳石100年才能长1厘米。Morning just meet experts Mr. Wang Liming, to hear him speak, stalactites, 100 to 1 cm long.

请别高昂着头,否则你的头可能撞到突出的钟乳石上。Please do not hold your head high, or you might knock your head against some protruding stalactite.