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现在协调器接管。The coordinator now takes over.

当时我接管了旧金山的一个项目。I took a program at San Francisco State.

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他可能在一场军事接管中被赶下台。He may be ousted by a military take-over.

我收到-份请柬,但没有接管。I received an invitation, but I did not ept.

你能考虑接管咱们的案吗?。Could you consider epting our counterproposal?

政府于1948年接管了铁路。The government took over the railways in 1948.

之后上帝从委员会中站出来,接管了它。And he stands up in the council and takes over.

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这所大学由省直接管。This university is directly under the Province.

当一个服务器停机时,另一个服务器接管。When one server goes down, the other takes over.

我收到-份请柬,但没有接管。I received an invitation, but Idid not accept it.

你是来接管广告销售部的卡特?德利亚?The Carter Duryea that's come in to run ad sales?

在连接管中防止液滴的形成。Eliminates droplet formation in the connector tube.

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辛巴,他让那些土狼接管了得意之地。Simba, he let the hyenas take over the pride lands.

祂要接管我的子民、我的工作、以及我的教导工作。He’ll take my person and my working and my teaching.

在英国,普华永道将接管雷曼兄弟事务。In the UK, accountants PWC will take over Lehman Bro.

刚出生的宝宝的爸妈去世后,她接管了那刚出生的宝宝。IT get charge of the kid despite his pare notnts died.

如果军方接管,这将是一个政变。If the military takes over, it will be a coup d 'etat.

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在1789年,伍秉鉴接管了他父亲的生意。In 1789, Howqua took over the business from his father.

在1812年,接管加拿大将是一个步态竞赛。In 1812, taking over Canada was going to be a cakewalk.

在我休假期间,我的工作将由孟楠来接管。In my absence, my duties will be assigned to Nancy Meng.