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航运量的供过于求已经造成了利率下滑。The glut of shipping capacity has forced down rates.

在一定体积的每次载运量中有较多的干物质。More dry matter can be carted per load of a given cubic capacity.

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运用建立该模型预测2000-2002年的铁路客运量。The prediction is conducted using passenger volume from 2000-2002.

运效,以安全、准点、运量大、运效高的方式为宜。The modes of safety, puncturality and large traffic volume are used.

因此航段运量预测的研究是非常必要的。Therefore research of flight segment volume forecasting is necessary.

我们可以依照载运量的大小及运输路程的距离向您报价。We can provide you with a quote depending on the amount being moved and the distance covered.

铁路业高管关于运量所做的最积极表示也不过是说低迷状况似乎已经触底。The best that most rail executives have said about volume is that it seems to have hit bottom.

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长距离、高带速,大运量,是带式输送机的王要发展趋势之一。Long-distance, high-speed and large earring capacity are major developing trend for belt conveyers.

城市轨道交通具有快速、便捷、大运量的特点。Urban rail transit system is characterized by its high-speed, convenience and large carrying capacity.

城市快速路已成为城市路网中大运量的快速交通干道,在解决城市交通方面发挥着重要作用。Urban express way plays an important role in urban network that takes on heavy transportation assignment.

GIS与运输经济统计结合可进行运量模拟、分析、预测和规划。Combining GIS and transportation economic statistics, we can simulate, analyse and predict transportation flow.

该公司已将其对北美市场的汽车发运量降至新低,目前在北美的汽车库存只够维持21天的销售,以前的库存量足够维持60天。Porsche has cut back supplies of its vehicles in North America to a new low of 21 days of inventory from 60 days.

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七月份的客座率在运量大幅增长的情况下与去年同期水平相当。In July, our passenger load factors were very close to last year's levels despite the substantial capacity growth.

第三部分首先用整理后的数据揭示两大远洋航线上,不同航向上运量存在的巨大不平衡。Third, it uses the date to show the big imbalance between the different direction on the Asian-US and Asian-EU lines.

是使用船舶跨大洋的长途运输形式,主要依靠运量大的大型船舶。Across the oceans is to use ships long-distance transportation form, rely mainly on the traffic volume big large ships.

健保资讯之「医疗品质面」资讯对医院医师人力调整、营运量调整之营运策略有影响。The information of "Medical Quality" could hospital help adjust doctor manpower, operating amount and business strategy.

作者在调查的基础上,确定了该航线的年运量、水深及负载率。On the basis of his investigation, the author determines the annual amount of shipping, the water depth and the load rate.

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水分、氮素和覆盖配合供应时,转运量和转运速率最高。The amount and ratio of nutrient translocation is the highest in the treatment of combining of the water, nitrogen and mulch.

1944年10月,大约300架飞机通过驼峰航线运来了35131吨物资,这个数量是前一年月平均运量的四倍。In October 1944 almost 300 aircraft flew 35,131 tons of supplies over the Hump, four times the monthly tonnage of the previous year.

随着中俄贸易互补性的不断增强,满洲里口岸出口运量增长显著。With the strengthening of Sino-Russia trade complementarities, the export traffics from Manchuri Station has increased dramatically.