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每枚奖章都有反面/凡事有利有弊。Every medal has its reverse.

行市对买方有利。The market favors the buyers.

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这种变化将对左派有利。This will be good for the left.

旅游时携带有利节食的食物。Travel with diet-friendly food.

他们可以在有利的时候卖出They can sell it at an advantage.

这是我们仅剩的有利论点了。It's the only argument we have left.

这个计划可能对朋友们有利。The plan might make for the friends.

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他正在等待升职的有利时机。He is biding his time for a promotion.

建议采取有利措施遏制氯胺酮滥用。We advise that steps be taken at once.

花岗岩是金矿的有利赋矿围岩。Granite are ore-rich surrounding rocks.

乔布斯站在一个有利的位置进行清扫。Jobs is in a good position to sweep uo.

乔享受着他的有利地位。Joe enjoys sitting in the catbird seat.

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什么是最有利的选择?什么是理想状态?What is the optimum? what is the ideal?

我想从审判上来看这对我方有利。And I think judicially we'll find favor.

但似乎每件事都对我有利。But everything seemed to be in my favor.

我同意这一点。凡事都是有利有弊。Yeah, I agree. Every wall has two sides.

你找不到比这更有利的时机了!You don't get more propitious than that.

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做早操对你的健康有利。Doing morning exercises is of good health.

洛丽塔知道什么对她最有利。Lolita knowswhat the best deal is for her.

可能对某些事情存在着有利的一面。There could be an up-side to these things.