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这个文件分为两部分。The file has two segments.

道路在这儿分为两叉了。The road divaricates here.

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神经元可以分为三类Neurons come in three flavors.

这分为三个步骤。It's really a three-step process.

本文主文分为五章。The paper includes five chapters.

全文分为如下八个部分。This article consists eight part.

本文分为七章。This thesis contains seven parts.

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它可以被分为1000个派沙。It is sub-divided into 1000 Baiza.

我们把它们分为六堆吧。Let's separate them into six lots.

干性皮肤也分为好多种。There are many levels of dry skin.

将线段A分为六等份。Divide line A into six equal parts.

全书依实际调查现况分为11章,1。导言。In total, the book has 11 chapters.

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文本正文分为六章,四部分。The text divides into six chapters.

今天的课程分为两部分Okay, today I want to do two things.

该机工作部分为刀盘。The machine work into cutting disks.

计算过程分为三步。The process consists of three parts.

全文共分为八章。There are eight chapters altogether.

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我们将它分为三个层次。We will divide it into three layers.

税收可分为若干税种?Howmany types are taxes divided into?

实际上这可以分为两类。And it really falls into 2 categories.