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他被强行推进一辆车里。He was thrust into a car.

强行分裂就是叛国。Disunion by force was treason.

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钱箱被强行打开。The money box was forced open.

聚众闹事者被强行带走了。The rioters were taken by force.

我们被强行拖进了洗漱间。We were haled into the bathroom.

强行拆迁和学校关闭。Forced evictions and school closures.

强行法是国际法强制执行的规范基础。Jus cogens are the norm basis of EIL.

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我们强行挤上火车。We squeezed ourselves into the train.

他试着把皮带强行扯断。He tried to break the strap with force.

他们企图强行向我推销红色短袜。They tried to huckster red socks to me.

盗贼们计划强行进入银行行窃。The thieves planned to break into a bank.

他们使他的计划在国会强行通过。They bulldozed his plan through Congress.

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敌人向该镇人民强行派款。The enemy laid the town under contribution.

强盗使用暴力强行进入了那座房子。The robber used force to get into the house.

部队强行进入这市镇。The troops forced an entrance into the town.

他们强行使他签署这个契约。They bulldoze him into signing the contract.

这种鸭子每天强行喂食好几次。The ducks were force-fed several times a day.

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这支军队逐步强行向北推进。This army gradually forced its way northward.

敌人向这个村的人强行派款。The enemy laid the village under contribution.

他把她推到墙边,强行让她背靠墙跪着。He pushed her toher knees, her back to the wall.