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我就是活生生的证明!I'm living proof of it!

我就是一个活生生的例子。I’m living proof of that.

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他看上去像活生生的湿婆。He looked the living image of siva.

这一切对于我仿佛都是一个活生生的故事。To me it was all like a living story.

我们是活生生的人,而非机器人。We are human beings , not automatons.

我不在乎您是否是一位活生生的上帝。I don't care if you're a living man-god.

“你对他们来说是个活生生的人了”艾伦说。"You became a person to them, " says Allday.

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我是有意识的,我是活生生的,我是查派。I am consciousness, I am alive, I am Chappie.

在许多酸乳酪中,细菌仍是活生生的!In many yogurts, the bacteria are still alive!

令人深思的方式有很多种,挖掘真实、活生生的情感就是一种。There are different ways of being challenging.

他们是活生生的例子,证明能够实现目标。They are the living proof that it can be done.

难道她就这样要活生生的憋死吗?Does she smother to death animatedly like this?

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使枯木比活生生的双唇更为幸福。Making dead wood more blessed than living lips.

对于艺术家,战争的视觉冲击是活生生的。For artist, seeing impact of the war is animated.

但是蓬蓬就是这个词语的活生生的例子。But David Luiz is a walking example of the phrase.

梦境就是我真实的生活,一种活生生的幻想。Dreams are my reality, the only kind of real fantasy.

“我的母亲穿越时间,活生生展现在我面前,”Rappaport提到。“My mother came alive across time, ” Rappaport noted.

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如果你将艺术品,视为活生生的话,那么它也可以是死的。If you imagine your artwork is living, it can also die.

我是‘生命三角’的活生生的例子。I am the living example of the \\\"triangle of life\\\".

在地震过后,仍有很多人被活生生埋着。Many people are still buried alive after the earthquake.