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“一个粗壮的红脸膛中年人”。A portly, rubicund man of middle age"."

“他们有非常粗壮的古树,”他说。"They had really thick, old trees, " he said.

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他的两只粗壮的胳膊,在大桶一般的胸前交叉着。His thick arms crossed on a hogshead of a chest.

你会在三年中让我们长成更粗壮的小树。In three years you will let us grow brawnier tree.

他沿原路返回树林,爬上一棵粗壮的大树。He backtracked into the wood and climbed a tall tree.

他有着粗壮的手臂,宽阔的肩膀以及健硕的肌肉。He had thick arms, wide shoulders and strong muscles.

游牧部落的多数男子腰都粗壮。Most of the men in the wandering tribes have big waists.

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古枫树那粗壮厚实的身影已深深地印在我的脑海里。The brawny big tree had cast a deep impression in my mind.

你说起话来像是雅各布,可是你的手臂却像以扫的手臂一样粗壮。You sound like Jacob, but yet your arms are rough like Esau’s.

他种了一种特优品种得醋栗,但这灌木猛涨枝干,越来越粗壮。He had one choice currant bush which had gone too much to wood.

它通过阻断一种重要的生长荷尔蒙的正常流动,“从而抑制了植株的生长高度,但作物的荚壳更大了,茎也更粗壮,整个植株看起来很结实”,GILL说。Instead, it blocks the normal flow of a crucial growth hormone.

选择坚硬的葡萄和有粗壮的茎干并剪断枝条。Choose firm grapes with sturdy stems and cut into small bunches.

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它看起来就像她已经进入一个粗壮的垃圾袋芯类用品。It looked like she'd been vacuum-packed into a Hefty garbage bag.

他不停地锯那根粗壮的树枝,终于把它锯断了。He sawed away at the thick branch till at last it was cut through.

但想想,粗壮的稻草使我们能更快地给婴儿床添满稻草。But just think how much faster the fat straws will fill up our crib.

一个粗壮的中队的8-10维京人能胜任这份工作,你为。One stout squadron of 8-10 Vikings can do this job admirably for you.

还有那四肢粗壮的腿,走起路来把房顶震得只掉土。Then there limbs stout legs, walking off the roof so loudly only soil.

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它们有象牙,树干般粗壮鼻子可以发出吼叫,并且它们可以重重地践踏障碍物。They have tusks, a bellowing trumpet of a trunk and can stomp on things.

白色或灰褐色的裤子是夏天的首选,这会让你的腿显得更粗壮。White or taupe bottoms are a great summer pick and will widen your legs.

过了一会儿,十几只粗壮的手臂就忙着拆墙了。那堵墙整个倒了下来。In the next, a dozen stout arms were tolling at the wall. It fell bodily.