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现在是势能。Now the potential energy.

那么势能呢?How about potential energy?

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钱能通天,势能压人。Money can be borne, potential energy.

这是重力势能。This is the gravitational potential energy.

就像重力势能。It is the same thing as gravitational energy.

势能差的单位是什么,伏特。What is the unit of potential difference? Volt.

势能减小的方向,如果我们知道这个力。The force will drive it to lower potential energy.

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你们看,是重力势能。mhy You see? mgy is gravitational potential energy.

注意,重力势能,是减小的。Notice the gravitational potential energy goes down.

注意,这里,重力势能是增加的。Notice that the gravitational potential energy increases.

总功指的是势能,和动能的总和。That means the sum of potential energy and kinetic energy.

这是点C的势能,在此达到最大值。That is the potential energy at C, which reaches a maximum.

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应用木原的核心势能模型,扩展了PBC理论。Kihara's core potential model is used to extend PBC concept.

如果我让它落下,那么势能会转化为,动能。If I let it fall, then that will be converted to kinetic energy.

在这个例子中,自发变化减小了势能。The spontaneous change lowers the potential energy in that case.

起作用的是,势能的差异,是多少。What matters is what the difference between potential energy is.

企业风险源与风险势能场构成复杂的能量系统。The system is composed by risk resource and the risk energy field.

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你们看,这是,我们已经得到的,势能的等式。You see, that is the term of the potential energy that you have there.

对于自由电子,因此没有什么势能。It is a free electron so there is no potential energy to be accounted for.

无穷大处的势能,等于,这样的结果就是。We defined it in such a way 0 that the potential energy at infinity is zero.