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蚂蚁行军歌。Sing The Ants go Marching.

行军者向右看齐。The marchers dressed right.

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这个士兵向军官行军礼。The soldier saluted his officer.

这就是巴丹半岛的死亡行军。This was the Bataan death march.

在那场行军的最后,我已精疲力尽了。At the end of the march, I pooped out.

这就是巴丹半岛的死亡行军。That wasn't a run it was a death march.

在这场行军中死了大约4000个切罗基人。About 4000 Cherokees died during the march.

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三天的行军让士兵们疲惫不堪。The three day's march laid the soldiers out.

它就像部队行军,每个人都步调一致。It's like a military march- every one in step.

战士调制步子以便与行军的步伐一致。The soldier proportioned his pace to the march.

他们在一块沼泽地前暂停了行军。They suspended their march in front of a swamp.

加强营战士们行军速度有限。Reconnoitre the soldiers marching speed limited.

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行军的人饿得步履蹒跚在路上慢慢走着。The hungry marchers shambled slowly along the road.

那真是一场愚蠢的挣扎,一场向着终点的死亡行军。It was a mindless struggle, a death march to the end.

不清楚听起来是否有利于行军Does that sound like a good thing to march into battle?

不管你从哪条路线行军,都是上坡路。No matter which way you have to march, its always uphill.

迈向中国城市的行军是全球大变化的一部分。The march to China's cities is part of a global sea change.

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因此,可以这样说,一些人的名字所造成的影响力不亚于军队里行军打仗时吹起的号角声。The very names of some men are like the sound of a trumpet.

这个数字大约是主力部队的最低行军长度。This figure was perhaps the average march of the main forces.

战士们行军到那条河后便支起帐篷过夜。After the hike to the river the soldiers camped for the night.