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我们从中国人手里拿走商品,换给他们一堆花花绿绿的纸头。We take their goods and give them paper in return.

店主们把这条街装饰得花花绿绿地过圣诞节。The shopkeepers glammed up the street for Christmas.

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这些花花绿绿的标牌立在校园里,怪碍眼的。These gaudy signs all over campus are a real eyesore.

这些花花绿绿的衣服是为非洲市场制作的。These colorful clothes are intended for the African market.

他们以前从来没有看到过花花绿绿的儿童图书。They had never seen brightly colored children's books before.

我们也可以在显示你的每条邮件之前先给你播放一段花花绿绿的视频。We could have had glaring videos appear before you look at every message.

街头那棵巨大的圣诞树挂满了花花绿绿的装饰品和礼物。Streets of the big Christmas tree full of colourful decorations and gifts.

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我细读了塞到我信箱里的每一则广告,钻研过报纸上花花绿绿的广告。I have perused each ad in my mailbox, pored over the colorful ads in the newspaper.

在主人的书柜上,各类书籍花花绿绿,却并不显得刺眼。On master bookcase, brightly colored of of all kinds book, do not appear however dazzling.

那时候,我还很小,见到花花绿绿的糖果,心里别提有多高兴了。At that time, I was still very young and saw colorful candy hearts how indescribably happy.

我好喜欢花花绿绿且大胆的图案,橘红色、黄绿色已经取代我去年经历的灰色时期。Persimmon and chartreuse have replaced the seriously gray phase that I went through last year.

香包还散发着若有若无的香,五彩绳儿花花绿绿的,还不显褪色。It also exudes a fragrant colorful rope, not much, if any, brightly coloured, also do not show fade.

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我想起了他画的那些毫无生气的景物,穿得花花绿绿的农民、丝柏树和橄榄树。I thought of those cold scenes of his, with their picturesque peasants and cypresses and olive-trees.

那一天我妈妈提前到了托儿所来接我,因为我们要去西尔斯商场拿我们预定的圣诞礼物。一路上,我被商场里花花绿绿的灯饰吸引住了。That day my mother picked me up early from daycare for we were going to Sears & Roebuck to pay on a Christmas Layaway.

成堆的信件建议善待第一犬“小鬼”,有些人还给奥巴马这条狗寄来花花绿绿的套衣。” Heaps of letters offer advice on the best treats for the first dog, Bo, and people have sent in colorful dog sweaters.

花花绿绿,大大小小的烟花倒映在波光粼粼的湖面上,仿佛鱼儿们也在它们的家园里放烟花呢!Colorful, large and small fireworks sparkling reflection in the lake, as if the fish are also in their homeland fireworks it!

门前除了几辆花花绿绿的汽车外再无它物,那低矮的小草又不能为人遮挡阴凉。In addition to the car in front of a few more colorful things no matter it is, that the low grass can not block the cool Wei Ren.

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一个涂成花花绿绿的超轻型飞机总是在快日落的时候在附近滑翔,有时候近得可以看见它的飞行员。One microlight, painted in red and blue, often flies very close to the sunflower field near sunset and you can almost see the pilot.

一个涂成花花绿绿的超轻型飞机总是在快日落的时候在附近滑翔,有时候近得可以看见它的飞行员。One microlight, painted in red and blue, often fly very close to the sunflower field near sunset and you could almost see the pilot.

接着又去了沃尔玛、步行街、品牌街,花花绿绿的东西还真让我心痒痒的,我恨不得全部把它们打包回去。Then went to a Wal-Mart, Walking Street, brands Street, colorful things that really let my heart itch, and I wish them all packing back.