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将小组完成的购物单介绍给班主任老师。Show your "shopping list" to your classmate.

法语试卷是我们的班主任出的。The French paper was set by our form teacher.

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这就要看谁来当我们的班主任了。It will depend on who will be our headteacher.

他是我的的初中语文老师兼班主任。He is my middle Chinese teacher and head teacher.

曾任巴蜀小学高段语文教师兼班主任。She was a Chinese teacher and a class head-teacher.

我们班主任把我们班划分成八个小组。Our headteacher divided our class into eight groups.

她的班主任选了她和另外一个男孩子做主持人。Her head teacher chose her and a boy to be the emcee.

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有些学生常常对班主任撒谎。Some students often tell lies with their headteacher.

学生填妥评核表格第一部份,并交回班主任。Students fill in Part I and return to Class Teachers.

班主任老师正朝教室这边走来。The head-teacher is coming towards the classroom now.

李平的迟到让他的班主任很失望。LinPing's being late made his headmaster disappointed.

我的班主任好像做了人格移植。My head teacher seemed to have a personality transplant.

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寇老师是我们的班主任,他也给我们献了歌喉。Kou is our math teacher, he also presented a voice to us.

没办法只好跟她去办公室了,幸好那天班主任不在。No choice but to go with her office, but not in that class.

怎样才能做好职高班班主任工作?How can complete duty Gao Ban the teacher in charge to work?

跑向要离开的汽车的那个人是我的班主任。The person running towards the leaving bus is my head teacher.

班主任表扬了汤姆,以便他能更加努力地学习。The head-teacher praised Tom so that he could work even harder.

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然后收到班主任石老头的一堆名为“不知所谓”的训话。" The old man then received a pile of stone known as" unknown".

我们的班主任的后面跟着一伙学生,走进了教室。Our headteacher entered a room, followed by a group of students.

班主任老师是班集体的领导者和组织者。Teachers in charge of class are leaders and organizers of class.