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采用布龙模式计算震源参数。Using Brown mode to calculate focal parameters.

国产系列可控震源普遍采用康明斯发动机。Commins engine is widely used in domestic vibroseis.

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气枪震源作业需要高压空气。High-pressure air is needed for airgun source operation.

无有毒副产品已知造成基丁酸酯或震源。No toxic by-products are known to result from PHB or PHV.

在震源和原子弹圆顶可见顶部中心。The hypocenter and Atom Bomb Dome are visible at top center.

地质学者认为断层是震源在地表的表现。Geologist thinks that fault is the surface expression of focus.

因此,对可控震源资料做零相位反褶积处理是合适的。Therefore, zero phase deconvolution is suitable for vibroseis data.

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气枪震源远场子波是叠前处理和震源模型必需输入的参数。It is one of the parameters necessary for prestack and source model.

可以利用的记录震源附近运动的地震图很少。Very few seismograms showing motion near to the source are available.

潜在震源区是未来可能的震中集合体。Potential sources are the aggregates of probable epicenters in the future.

据我国地震台网的初始破裂点的是所谓的重点或震源。An earthquake's point of initial rupture is called its focus or hypocenter.

Macha系统是世界上最先进的震源同步系统之一。MACHA system is one of the most advanced seismic source synchronous system.

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电火花震源在我国的海洋地震勘探中已占有一定的地位。Spark source has taken quite a place in China's marine seismic explo- ration.

震源深度20公里,震中位于缅甸同老挝和泰国的交界处,目前已造成至少10人死亡。The epicenter, with a depth of 20.00 km, is close to Thai and Laotian borders.

KZ-28型可控震源的气路在冬季施工过程中常出现洁冰现象。The air passage of KZ-28 vibroseis appeared icing phenomenon in winter operation.

而对于填充槽沟与震源中心之距离而言,两者距离在4倍雷利波波长以上为最佳。The optimized distance between the in-filled trench and foundation is about 4 Lr.

对于同样大小的地震,由于震源深度不一样,对地面造成的破坏程度也不一样。An earthquake's point of initial ground rupture is called its focus or hypocenter.

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由多种力源讨论了震源应力场。It discusses the seismic source stress field by using many kinds of force sources.

用震源位置的标准计算机码重新定位地震事件。The events were relocated using standard computer codes for hypocentral locations.

据官方报道,周四的这场地震强度为7.4级,震源在海下25英里。Thursday's quake was 7.4-magnitude and hit 25 miles under the water, officials said.