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迷信的人认为那是一种恶兆。The superstitious regard it as a bad omen.

恶兆也是万圣节庆祝活动的一部分。Bad omens are also part of Halloween celebrations.

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另一方面,曼联看起来是一个恶兆。Man United, on the other hand, were looking ominous.

这对于下月在哥本哈根召开的气候变化峰会是种恶兆。The portents are bad for next month's climate change summit in Copenhagen.

人们相信恶兆会带给坏运气,黑猫、蜘蛛或者蝙蝠都算是恶兆。A bad omen is something that is believed to bring bad luck, like black cats, spiders or bats.

在他们的游戏,米兰达和费迪南中追赶也象征关于普洛斯彼罗的力量恶兆的东西。Caught up in their game, Miranda and Ferdinand also symbolize something ominous about Prospero's power.

恶兆也是万圣节庆祝活动的一部分。人们相信恶兆会带给坏运气,黑猫、蜘蛛或者蝙蝠都算是恶兆。Bad omens are also part of Halloween celebrations. A bad omen is something that is believed to bring bad luck, like black cats, spiders or bats.

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事实上,伴随着不确定性,很可能是恶兆,又一次地球大陆板块停顿可能正在临近。Actually , as it is not definite , probably an ill omen that perhaps the continent plates have a pause once again , and become nearer and nearer.

随着香港经济起飞和劳动力价格提升,美泰看到芭比屁股上的恶兆,然后离开这片当时还属于英国的殖民地,到更廉价的海外生产地去了。As Hong Kong's economy took off and labor costs rose, Mattel literally saw the writing on Barbie's butt and moved from the then-British colony to cheaper shores.

春节期间也不要杀生,因为见血也是一个不祥的恶兆,会招致破财,或者刀伤,及大的伤病。No killing. Killing in the Spring Festival should be avoided as blood is considered an ill omen, which will cause misfortunes such as a knife wound, or a bloody disaster.

但直到深夜,抽着雪茄的兰德尔仍一边踱来踱去,一边思索着他能找到的机会,那思索的意识在微小的希望之光和悲伤的恶兆之间交替。But long into the night Randall's cigar still marks his pacing up and down as he ponders, with alternations of tender, hopeful glow and sad foreboding, the chances of his quest.

从那以后,虽然对各种疾病表示不屑一顾,但已经不喜欢听别人讲述他们的悲惨遭遇了,因为父亲觉得那是再次发生的恶兆,甚至他觉得那会发生在自己身上。From this time on, although he still was contemptuous of diseases, Father began to hear any accounts of other men's accidents. They seemed to him portents of what might happen, even to him.