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我们兜了个圈子又回到原处。We have come full circle.

他们把他排除在他们的圈子外。They shut him from their circle.

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他可以花时间来见识一下这个圈子。He should spend time in this world.

马在场上兜着圈子跑。The horse is running round the field.

我在一个越来越小的圈子里兜兜转转。I was flying in ever-diminishing circles.

这会增加你在一些圈子里的信誉。It gives you credibility in some circles.

科技界是个很小的圈子。The tech world can be a very small place.

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第六点是关于你的家庭和核心圈子。Next are your family and the inner circle.

他只有在家庭圈子里才能轻松自如。He can only be unbent in the family circle.

这条路环湖绕一个大圈子。The road makes a wide loop around the lake.

如果圈子是一个,八角形物是多少?If a circle is one, how many is an octagon ?

我离开了我的生活圈子,来纽约帮忙。I walked away from my world to come and help.

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拉紧了,它兜的圈子就会一次比一次小。The strain will shorten his circle each time.

在圈子里已经有点名声了,and are already somewhat known in the industry

她是都柏林犯罪圈子中的可疑人物。She was a shady figure in the Dublin underworld.

事实上,她的姐妹圈子里有几个人知道这件事。In fact, a few women in her prostitution ring knew.

他们一同生活在国际名人的上层圈子里。They live in the same rarefied world of global fame.

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她嫁给了一个她那个圈子里很好的男人。She married the right man, man out of her own circle.

我的朋友圈子很大,但很少知心朋友!I have a big circle of friends, but few bosom friends!

他咬紧了牙关只是哼,在那座空廓落落的大厅上转圈子。He paced round the hall grinding his teeth and groaning.