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这门楼又不一样。This gate is also different.

这座门楼是明朝都城的正南门。This is the south gate of the Ming capital.

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大城门楼分为主楼和侧楼。City gatehouse into the main building and wing.

第一景观,大城门楼。The first landscape, the city of the gatehouse.

传统的门楼是青石条垒成,凿以门楣,书香之家还要附上对联。The traditional gate house is made of stone stripes, and be cut a hole as a lintel.

在各门楼旁边也有铺道,同门楼一样长,这是低铺道。And the pavement in the front of the gates according to the length of the gates was lower.

素朴的门楼立在青石台阶上,同门内高大瓦房相呼应。Naive gatehouse stand in bluestone steps, tile-roofed house with the door tall and echoes.

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大城门楼掩映于蓝天、绿树之中,古朴、自然、绚丽、不失宏重。Yan Ying in the city gatehouse blue sky, green trees, ancient, natural, beautiful, yet re-Acer.

横跨天柱大道矗立着一座高大的门楼建筑,这就是天柱山标志性大门。Across the Tianzhu road, stands a tall gate tower building, which is the Tianzhu mountain landmark gate.

署衙大门都是坐北朝南,门楼设在中轴线上,以示森严威武。Former Department Official Ya door are sitting south, in the gatehouse of the central axis to show mighty guarded.

早稻田戏剧博物馆门楼上嵌刻着莎士比亚的名言“世界是一个大舞台”。On the front arch of the Waseda Theater Museum carved a famous line of William Shakespeare-All the world is a stage.

在1990年代之前,这个区域由低矮的「石库门」所组成,所谓石库门是窄巷中典型的上海式石拱门楼。Until the 1990s, the area consisted of low-rise "Shikumen" or typical Shanghai stone-arched gate houses in narrow alleys.

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入得门楼,是一方开阔的天井,两边是对称两层砖木结构的楼屋一字排开。Entrance gate, is a side open courtyard, both sides of symmetrical two-story brick and wood structure of the house lined up.

门楼正中处一块约90公分、宽约50公分的石碑上刻着清代陶冶一笔写成的“鹅”字。The gatehouse at a median of about 90 cm, 50 cm wide engraved on the monument written in the Qing Dynasty cultivate a "goose".

桁架,广泛用于展览会空间天顶、展示墙、展示平台、骨架、门楼以及特殊装饰。The truss is widely used in the exhibition space, zenith display wall, display platform, skeleton, gate and special decoration.

活动当天设有抽奖活动,请带好抽奖券,并在到达内场终点门楼后将抽奖券一联撕下投入抽奖箱中,并凭领奖联领取奖品。For the lucky draw please bring your lucky draw entry card received upon registration. Cards are placed in boxes at the finish line.

祠由门楼、厢房及大殿等组成,另有明清时代的石碑数十方。Temple from the gatehouse , and the great hall rooms, and other components, and dozens of the Ming and Qing Dynasties era of the monument.

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高楼大厦从胡同中拔地而起,许多我们熟悉的街景、门楼、四合院逐渐从人们的视线中消失。Skyscrapers rocket from hutongs, which make those familiar street sights, gates towers, four-square courtyards disappearing out of our view.

广亮大门位于宅院东南角,一般占据倒座房第二间的位置,但门楼的高度和进深都大于倒座房,因此显得比较突出。These gates, being one-bay across, are generally open at the southeastern corner of courtyards . They are matched with high steps and look spacious.

母亲总是给我任务打扫门楼前的石阶,因为走过的人越来越少,石阶现在杂草丛生。Mom always gave me the task to clean the stone steps before the side entrance, where some weed has grown now due to fewer and fewer people walking there.