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他果然名不虚传。He is no misnomer.

他是一个名不虚传的诗人。He is poet worthy of the name.

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这里的饭菜果然名不虚传。The food here deserves its name.

他们是名不虚传的中国人。They are the Chinese worthy of the name.

朝阳沟好地方,名不虚传!Chaoyanggou a good place, a well-deserved reputation!

怎么样,诗竹之称名不虚传吧!What kind, name of the poem bamboo lives up to reputation!

那是那些名不虚传的英国骑兵的一半。It was the remaining half of the justly celebrated English cavalry.

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当然也有一些小毛病,但总体来说的确是名不虚传。There are a few small down sides, but in general it works as advertised.

我们还尝了尝北京有名的小吃,果然名不虚传!We also Changlechang Beijing famous snacks, indeed lives up to its name!

爱沙尼亚首都名不虚传,是全欧网路架构最完善的城市。The capital of "Estonia, " as it's known, is the most connected city in Europe.

没过多久,公众就认识到Scott将军果然名不虚传。It did not take long for the public to realize that General Scott really liked General Scott!

那九十九道弯,堪称天下第一公路奇观,实在是名不虚传啊。The 99 bend, the road can be the best in the world wonders, is a well-deserved reputation ah.

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爽快的动作再配合剧情,动作大片的名头名不虚传。This, coupled with brisk action drama, and large movements of the head of a well-deserved reputation.

这次为了完成这机体学习了大部分现役的苏系列,果然是名不虚传的美啊。For completion of the Jetpack I studied the most of su-series in comission, exclaiming for their beauty.

我们还尝了尝北京有名的小吃,果然名不虚传!We still tasted to taste well-known light repast in Beijing and indeed as expected live up to reputation!

美国就是一个典型的例子,它自助磁带刻录和噪音场所名不虚传。The example of the USA, a country with perhaps the leading DIY tape and noise scene in the world, is a case in point.

天津的五大道名气最大,给我印象最深,名不虚传,应了古话。Tianjin's five main roads fame biggest, the impression is deepest forme, lives up to reputation, should the old saying.

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看来,李世石我行我素的性格不仅在棋盘上体现得淋漓尽致,生活中也是名不虚传。It seems that Li Shishi its own character not only reflected on the board in the head, life is a well-deserved reputation.

冰儿随他点唱,果然是名不虚传,“郭正南”也装作听出耳油,甚感过瘾,不断喝采。He points to sing with ice, so it is real, GuoZhengNa also pretend to listen to the ear oil, be very enjoyable, and constantly cheers.

费尔干纳盆地的居民好客名不虚传,在这里你呆多久都不会感到孤单。And the residents of Fergana Valley have the deserved reputation of being the country's friendliest. You're certainly never alone there for very long.