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痛能使我们痛定思痛,得以成长。Pain and enable us to learn from their mistakes, to grow.

陈超痛定思痛后振作起来,开端跑组生活运营本人的人生。Chen cheer up, beginning after mounted run group operation I life.

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痛定思痛后,大家研究决定,开始剿匪工作。After the painful experience, everybody study decision, start work however.

我们需要痛定思痛,要求变革,并首先自己做好表率。We need to cry foul, require change, and start leading the charge ourselves.

个人的危机也像国家的危机一样,要等到事过境迁,才能痛定思痛。The crises of individuals, like the crises of nations, are not realized until they are over.

丑闻曝光之后,同行们都在痛定思痛,思考今后怎样才能避免此类事件的发生。Afterwards, colleagues wring their hands and wonder how such malfeasance can be avoided in the future.

突围成功的黄帝痛定思痛,做了一系列前所未有的精心准备。Break the success of the Yellow Emperor to learn from its mistakes, make a series of unprecedented prepared.

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身体和灵魂若能挽回其一最好拯救灵魂,如果两者皆飞那就要痛定思痛。If we can restore the body and soul to save the soul of one of the best, if both would have to work hard to fly.

爱得越深痛得越深,不正是一些不能终成眷属的有情人痛定思痛后的悔悟吗!The more Shentong love deeply, not what some of the lovers can not get married after weighing the repentance you!

东南亚金融危机的爆发使东盟国家在吸引外资上痛定思痛。The explosion of financial crisis in ASEAN countries, gives them a lesson from a bitter experience in attracting foreign investment.

1983年起,黔江人痛定思痛,熟悉到生态环境是人类生存的根本。Rose 1983, guizhou river person recalls a painful experience, those who realise zoology environment is the mankind lives is essential.

痛定思痛,如何从代价惨重的重特大火灾中吸取教训,进一步做好建筑外保温材料的防火工作已迫在眉睫。How mounted from costly and great fire, draw a lesson well further building the heat preservation material fire control work is imminent.

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痛定思痛的她在俱乐部,夜总会,舞厅摸爬滚打,最终在百老汇的群舞中占有一席之地。Our ingénue works her way from job to job, in all those clubs, cabarets and dance halls until she finally gets her big break in the chorus on Broadway.

卡达尔上台后,痛定思痛,决定进行大刀阔斧的改革,摆脱苏联模式,建设符合匈牙利国情的社会主义国家。The new government, headed by Janos Kadar, decided to carry out a great reform to constructed a socialism society conform with Hungarian national conditions.

人们痛定思痛,开始寻找水灾发生的种种根源,以便于找到正确的防治方法。People recalls a painful experience, begin to seek a variety of source of flood happening, find method of accurate prevention and cure in order to facilitate.

为了不让更多的同志由于砍头行动牺牲,熊阔海痛定思痛,决议接替老潘去完成根除加藤的任务。In order not to let more comrades because beheadings action by the sea, XiongKuo sacrifice, the resolution LaoPan to complete eradication kato replace the task.

痛定思痛,从此悲剧不难看到,一方面,当前教会的窘境已导致某些教区处于了无法管理及关心的非正常状态,教区体制建设问题极待解决。From these mistakes and tragedies, it is not difficult to see the dilemma of the Church in China. Some dioceses are already in an abnormal and unmanageable state.

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“疯牛病”、“口蹄疫”等食品安全事件曾给欧洲留下惨痛的教训,痛定思痛,德国此次下重手。"Mad cow disease", "foot and mouth disease" and gave European food safety incidents left a painful lesson, learn from their mistakes, Germany under the heavy hand.

国家质检总局痛定思痛,已停止实行食品类生产企业的国家免检制度。The National Quality testing Bureau learns from a painful experience, stopped practicing food class Production enterprise's national exempting from inspection system.

痛定思痛,我们发现,经营者缺乏抓安全也是发展的意识是造成事故的重要原因之一。To learn from its mistakes, we found that the operators of the lack of security also arrested the development of awareness of the accident is one of the important reasons.