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售主晶体管逻辑?。VTL? Vendor Transistor Logic?

是的,没错就是晶体管。Yes, that's right. The transistor.

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他发明了一种新的晶体管。He devised a new type of transistor.

在此提出一种金属基极晶体管。A metal-base transistor is suggested.

研究了基于场效应晶体管的DNA传感器。DNA sensor based on FET is researched.

硅NPN晶体管。射频功率驱动器。Silicon NPN transistor. RF power driver.

双P沟道增强型MOS晶体管。Dual P-channel enhancement mode MOS transistor.

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每个晶体管至少有三个电极。Every transistor has at least three electrodes.

劳驾,我要一台日本产的3波段晶体管收音机。I want a Japanese 3 band transistor radio, please.

而如今晶体管被用作逻辑器件,表示1或0。Now they are also used as logic elements, 1s and 0s.

不同偏置电压的输入缓冲晶体管。Different bias voltage for the input buffer transistor.

焊接和连接这些晶体管需要好几辈子。Wiring or soldering those would take several lifetimes.

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晶体管收音机伴你走四方。Your transistor radio can accompany you wherever you go.

电子材料照明,电动泵,晶体管。Electrical Materials lightings, motor pumps, transistors.

硅PNP晶体管互补。音频输出功率。Silicon complementary PNP transistor. Audio power output.

光耦,光电晶体管输出,基地连接。Optocoupler, Phototransistor Output, With Base Connection.

晶体管在许多用途上已取代了真空管。Shockley, it displaced the vacuum tube in many applications.

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硅互补PNP晶体管。音频功率放大器。Silicon complementary PNP transistor. Audio power amplifier.

随函附上我方所订300台T432形晶体管收音机的订单。Enclosed is our order for 300 sets of Transistor Radios T432.

硅互补PNP晶体管。音频放大器的输出。Silicon complementary PNP transistor. Audio amplifier output.