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架构大逃亡。Architecture Great Escapes.

我们何时需要架构?When do we need architecture?

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回顾高级架构。Review high-level architecture.

首先,选择要摄取的架构。First, select a schema to ingest.

虚拟服务器架构?。VSA? Virtual Server Architecture?

架构抑制组织。Architecture inhibits organization.

组织抑制架构。Organization inhibits architecture.

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方法架构是原始资料。The Method Architecture is baselined.

图12描述了这个架构。Figure 7.12 describes this architecture.

身分识别模型为宣告架构的系统。Identity Model is a claims-based system.

再来看看马太福音的架构。Look at the structure of Matthew though.

但是什么是“可执行的架构”呢?But what is an "executable architecture"?

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架构设计能够支持计划编制过程Architecting supports the planning process

用户描述也可以使用一个分层架构。User stories can have a hierarchy as well.

图2.云计算参考架构。Figure 2. The cloud reference architecture.

面向服务架构是块硬骨头。Service oriented architecture is hard work.

体系架构和系统特有的区别Architecture- and system-specific differences

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依赖于体系架构或系统的区别Architecture- or system-dependent differences

定义卓越中心的组织架构。Defining of the COE organizational structure.

的架构是如何发展的?How has the architecture evolved?