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在长达两年杳无音信之后,他突然又跟我们取得了联系。After two years' silence he suddenly got in touch with us again.

自从日本袭击珍珠港以后,他就一直杳无音信。We had not heard from him since the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor.

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几天我之后,我向这家公司多次致电和发电子邮件进行咨询,但都杳无音信。Over the next few days, several phone calls and e-mails went unanswered.

被他刮过脸的绅士们,从此杳无音信。He shaved the faces of gentlemen, who never thereafter wereheardof again.

为了能够有一个自己的家,他们上过法庭,也赢了官司,可拆迁费还是杳无音信。In order to have a home, they go on the court and win, Caqianfei or teachers.

这支由四人组成的小分队空降到中国南部,从此杳无音信。This fourman team parachuted into southern China and was never heard from again.

两天过去了,卡玛莉仍是杳无音信,我召来了努洛,她父亲。When two more days had passed with no sign of Kamari, I summoned Njoro, her father.

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他消失的杳无音信,三年后,埃德加和凯瑟琳结婚了。He disappears without trace and, after three years, Edgar and Catherine are married.

今天我在电视上看到了3年杳无音信的哥哥。他正在被警察追捕。FML。Today, I saw my brother on TV after 3 years of no contact. He was being arrested on Cops. FML.

不久,该商家拿着照片在当地大肆宣传,但承诺的别墅却杳无音信。Soon, the local businessmen carrying photographs publicized, but the commitment has heard villa.

现在,有关两份数据的第一次在分析结果已经出来了,但是该行星却还是杳无音信。Now, the first re-analysis of the combined data from both telescopes is out, and the planet is still missing.

在有了两个儿子后丈夫参加了八路军,一去十几年杳无音信。After having two sons the husband attended the Eight Route Army, go ten years having never been heard of since.

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艾迪给那家杂志写了信,希望他们能帮忙找到费医生,结果却杳无音信。Eddie wrote a letter to the magazine and hope that they can help you find a doctor, but there was no news results.

Byberg申请了全国性零售商,快餐店和杂货店的工作,然后至今都基本杳无音信。Ms. Byberg has had few responses to her job applications at national retailers, fast-food chains and grocery stores.

欢喜跳跃时就尽情欢乐吧,没有必要在杳无音信的高速公路上设一个信箱,你只要在家里等待你的信件。Be alive while you are alive, don't put out a mailbox on the highway of death and just wait in residence for your mail.

在杳无音信整整两天之后,周一早上,他们听说他妻子的母亲与姐姐均幸免于难。After two days of not hearing anything, they heard this morning that his sister-in-law and mother-in-law had both survived.

区内住户曾提出成立业主委员会的要求,对小区的管理和收费进行监督和指导,但至今仍杳无音信。Household formation in the region made the request of the Commission, small fee for the management and oversight and guidance, but still ran.

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人们每次给你发送电子邮件都只有寥寥数语,你要么自己从这片言只语中去寻找重点,要么他们从此就再也杳无音信了。The men cannot mail you more that 10 words at a time, you simply have to drag something out of them or you simply do not hear from them again.

从穷困的郊区乘车到城市上下班的工人们成群地涌向她,希望联系上杳无音信的家庭成员、寄送情书、或者仅仅述说一下他们的生活细节。Commuting to the city from impoverished suburbs, workers flock to her, hoping to contact lost family members, send love letters, or simply relate the details of their lives.

而此时嫣嫣却哮喘病复发,看着女儿病情加重,丈夫又杳无音信,无奈之下,周书真只能带着嫣嫣返回天津治病。While YanYan but asthma relapse, saw her daughter illness aggravating, husband and silence, but under, zhou book really only with YanYan return to tianjin medical treatments.