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雾越发浓重了。The fog became thicker still.

古老的泰山越发显得崔嵬了。Mount Tai looked more precipitous.

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古老的泰山越发显得崔嵬了。Hoary Mount Tai looked more precipitous.

审判工作越发缓慢,原被告双方等待时间也更漫长。Service has got slower, waiting times longer.

然后我越发想分结果就越糟。And then it gets worse and worse as I go down.

凯尔西巡官对此显得越发难以置信。Inspector Kelsey looked still more incredulous.

傍晚,这座高山越发显得崔巍。After sunset, this mountain seems more towering.

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噢,获得越多,感觉越发奇丽,是的。Ooh, the more I get of you, stranger it feels, yeah.

酒在他的眼睛里闪耀,那些戏铃越发丁零当郎。The wine sparkled in his eyes and the bells jingled.

神的道日见兴旺,越发广传。But the word of God continued to increase and spread.

信越写越多,沈从文也越发的沉不住气。The more letters Shen wrote, the less patience he had.

林氏那饮泣声越发响亮起来。Lin Shi that sobs a voice more and more loud and clear.

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眼看着LOLI年纪日长,出落的越发的标志。Seeing LOLI age and length, Chula's increasingly a sign.

随着葡萄牙悲剧的到来,这场游戏也变得越发清晰。But with Portugal the tragedy of this game is more clear.

要求他们马上削减是不公平的并且会让他们越发贫穷。Immediate cuts would be iniquitous and punish their poor.

越发越增添了心中的忧虑,一时竟至忧心如焚。The anxiety increased, became almost painful for a moment.

这对秘书的接待工作越发的重要。This to secretary's reception work even more unimportance.

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我们感受到自己的苦恼,为此越发自我欣赏。We feel our distress and like ourselves the better for it.

渊薮中的生活,让我越发困惑于美的定向。I become more and more perplexed in the direction of beauty.

昨天晚上,托勒自由的第一天,越发显得温馨甜蜜。Last night, Towler's first day of freedom grew even sweeter.