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电阻器芯片无裂痕。The resistor body is crack-free.

电动机起动用电抗器或电阻器“,”Motor Starting Reactor and Resistor.

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可以调节的电阻器叫做变阻器。A variable resister is called a rheostat.

电阻器需要一千工作参考电压。Resistors require a reference voltage to work.

已老化电阻器经处理可以再生。Aged-thermistors can be recycled by treatments.

高精密低温度系数金属膜电阻器。High precision and low T. C. R. metal film resistor.

变阻器和电阻器安装在外面。The varistor and the resistor are mounted externally.

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熔断电阻器工作时不可触摸,否则有人身伤害的危险。Do not touch the fuse when it is in working condition.

可以认为每个测试点都是一个绝缘的电阻器。Each test site can be thought of as an isolated resistor.

电阻器芯片无裂痕、标记可辨。The resistor body is crack-free, and with a clear marking.

然后他了解到这种神经突触是记忆电阻器,“他说。"I realised then that synapses were memristors, " he says.

电阻器为开启式,其额定发热功率为4。6KW。The resistor is open type with rated heating power is 4.6KW.

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此电阻器则将增益限制到一个有限的数值。The resistor limits this increase in gain to a finite value.

非易失性可变电阻器,存储器件,及其定标法。Non-volatile variohm, memory element, and its scaling method.

这是在其上面产生负偏压的电阻器。This is the resistor on which the negative bias is developed.

此外,该电阻器还限制回馈安培表的交流增益。Also, the resistor limits the AC gain of the feedback ammeter.

电阻器的最大额定功率是用瓦特来表示的。The maximum rated power of the resistor is specified in Watts.

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一种可变电阻器已被添加到图中的门电路。A variable resistor has been added to the gate circuit of the figure.

在电容器短路的情况下,电阻器限制电流的大小。The resistor limits the current in case the capacitor becomes shorted.

他看起来跟记忆电阻器产生的反应令人发狂的相似。It looked maddeningly similar to the response a memristor would produce.