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但是,这景象似乎让他激昂。But this seems to make him giddy.

教练的话使队员们的情绪激昂起来。The coachs talk heated the team members.

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像战争一样,选战也是人声鼎沸、情绪激昂。Like warfare, it is noisy and passionate.

我平昔没读过比这更令人激昂的故事。I've never read a lot more stirring story.

我希望你有足够的幸福使你情绪激昂。I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirits up.

这种飞腾型星座给身边的暖和、激昂大方和有趣的感触。This Ascendant is warm, generous and fun to be around.

她是三好学生中最激昂大方的。She is the most generous among the three good students.

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听,那或激昂或低沉的读书声!Listen, the impassioned or deep-throated reading sounds!

佛瑞登的军队因你的激昂演说而振奋起来。The armies of Ferelden were inspired by a rousing speech.

起来,旌旗为你招展,号角为你激昂Rise up--for you the flag is flung--for you the bugle trills

也只就象许,你才能把仇恨和惧怕转化成爱和激昂大方。Only then will you turn hate and fear, into love and generosity.

他们情绪激昂地谈论着他们应当把雪默尔达先生埋在哪里。They talked excitedly about where they should bury Mr. Shimerda.

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而阳光在地板上照出的他的身影,还在由于刚才激昂的呼吁而颤抖。CAST upon the floor, was tremulous with the vehemence of his appeal.

好也罢歹也罢,我倒是被普遍视为一个热情激昂的演说家。For good or ill, I am rather widely considered to be a fiery orator.

员工显然不吃这一套,有部分员工已然在抵抗地点进行激昂演说。Not with the workers, some of who have formed a protest site to rant.

琼斯西席,我那时给干活的那位,常是很激昂大方地付给加班加点的报酬。Mr Jones, for whom I was working, was very generous about overtime payments.

就这样他们还是唱着激昂而热切的号子,那汹涌澎湃的河水号子。And still they sing a vehement, eager chant, the chant of the turbulent waters.

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参与者观看感情激昂的文字、视频、表情和故事。Participants viewed emotion-laden words, videos, facial expressions and stories.

而十年前,在激昂的大学时代,这还是我非常痛恨的字眼。However, ten years ago, in the fevered college age, that's the word I hate the most.

在有关政治行动的谈话当中,安娜·帕夫洛夫娜的心情激昂起来。In the midst of a conversation about politics, Anna Pavlovna became greatly excited.