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第2步改变工人阶级的糊口,开心肠说。Step 2 Change class to life, happy to say.

因为工人阶级拥有所有生产资料。The workers owned the means of production.

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他们是工人阶级的先锋队。They are the vanguards of the working class.

工人阶级最大公无私。It is the working class that is most selfless.

工人阶级的同盟军是农民阶级。The ally of the working class was the peasantry.

这是安抚工人阶级要求的有效方法。It was in effect a lulling of working class demands.

他们是典型低收入的工人阶级。who would be typically working class on a low income.

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也可以说这根本就是一个打击工人阶级的手段。It can also be a method of screwing the working class.

他指责她对工人阶级的错误观点。He reproached her with her false view of the working class.

工人阶级并没有期望公社做出奇迹。The working class did not expect miracles from the Commune.

1848年后,工人阶级依然无法保证自己的权利。Yet, the working class did not secure their rights after 1848.

白话文更接近中国的工人阶级。Pai-hua made literature more accessible to China's working class.

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在他看来,让工人阶级受教育无异于优秀奴仆人才的浪费。He thought educating the working classes a waste of good servants.

这是一个非常工人阶级的城镇,在爱尔兰很外围的地方。It was a very working-class town in Ireland, really on the periphery.

因此,普选制是测量工人阶级成熟性的标尺。Universal suffrage is thus the gauge of the maturity of the working class.

人民民主专政需要工人阶级的领导。People's democratic dictatorship needs the leadership of the working class.

第一,工人阶级执政党必须处理好与人民群众的关系。First, working class party in power must coordinate relationship with masses.

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此外,要是工人阶级真的一劳永逸地赢得了这场斗争的胜利,又将怎样呢?Furthermore, what if the working class actually won this struggle once and for all?

1961年,吉尔出生在费城的一个意大利工人阶级家庭。Gia was born in 1961 to a working class Italian family and grew up in Philadelphia.

但是现今的研究表明,工人阶级的白人孩子正在冒着成绩很差的危险。But today's study says white, working-class boys are most at risk of underachieving.