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诺亚方舟遗迹被发现了?Noah's Ark Found?

说起在莆田的历史遗迹。As for Putian's historical sites.

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考古遗迹已经被关闭。Archaeological sites have been shut.

军械库是荣誉堡后面的遗迹。Armory is the Ruins behind Honor Hold.

这个400多年前由耶稣会兴建的大教堂,如今的遗迹仅剩一面外墙。Only the facade of the building remains.

罗伯塔绕着罗马遗迹跑圈。Roberta ran rings around the Roman ruins.

农夫们偶尔会犁出古印度的遗迹。Farmers occasionally plow up landman relics.

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古罗马的遗迹被发掘出来了。The ruins of ancient Rome were excavated out.

城堡遗迹以及远处的亚的里亚海,希玛拉。Castle ruins with Adriatic Sea beyond, Himara.

这座毁坏的桥是南北战争时的遗迹。This ruined bridge is a relic of the Civil War.

开普勒超新星遗迹中的大三眼。Three great eyes on kepler's supernova remnant.

我们明知故犯地毁坏了一处可能的历史遗迹。We knowingly altered a Probable Historical Site.

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在苏公塔景区,“古城遗迹,请勿爬”被译为。The ruin of an ancient city, please do not climb!

象征昔日魅力及抱负的遗迹尚存。Still, traces of charm and bygone ambition survive.

昨天我们参观了圆明园遗迹。We visited the ruins of the Yuanmingyuan yesterday.

一些战争遗迹还可以被找到。However some unrestored districts can also be found.

大神墩遗址文化层堆积薄,遗迹遗物相对简单。Its cultural stratum is thin and remains are simple.

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桂林地区古冰川遗迹何在?。Where Are the Former Glacial Relics in Guilin Area ?

新格兰奇的大多数遗迹是被泥土覆盖的石堆。Most of the new grange site is an earth-covered cairn.

如今,修道院的遗迹散布在惠特比的郊外。Now, the abbey ruins brood on the outskirts of Whitby.