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非洲是世界交流融汇之地。Africa is where the world meets.

画家绘出被画人的面孔和身躯,但实际上融汇了画家自己的情感。The artist paints the face and body of the sitter, but in fact he shows his own feelings.

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蓝帜金工融汇了精密刀具技术领域领先专家的专业知识。LMT Tools brings together the expertise of leading specialists in precision tool technology.

天工艺苑商场融汇中国文化和西方艺术特色。The art shopping centre integrates the features of the Chinese culture with the Western art.

民族文化的发展历程伴随与异文化的融汇过程。The development of national culture goes side by side with the assimilation of foreign culture.

中国科大的电脑爱好者们在这里集结思想,融汇技术。Computer fans of University of Science and Technology of China share their ideas and talents here.

然而,直到基督教的兴起,诺斯替思想在那里的融汇才得以完全的表达出来。It was only with the rise of Christianity, however, that Gnostic syncretism came to full expression.

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始发西方古典文化,融汇东方精华,是“美勒斯顿”洋为中用,去芜存真的美的感知。MORESTORM could let you feel the beauty by combining the west classical culture and the east culture.

取融汇东西,喻设计职业,文化与艺术之态。Integration of East and West, . It embodies that Our designing occupation is elegant and in good taste.

在未来184天里,这里将成为不同国家、不同文明交流融汇的大舞台。In the coming 184 days, Shanghai will become a grand stage for dialogue and interaction among nations and cultures.

如同一位人体的工程师,这位艺术家将这些形象融汇成了一股能量和光影的河流。An architect of anatomy, the artist melds the shapes into a fusion of energy and a transmutation of light and shadow.

文化是历史的积淀,它存留于建筑和壁画间,融汇在生活里。The culture is the historical accumulation, being preserved between the construction and mural, blending in the life.

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“纳西古乐”是纳西族在漫长的历史长河中对各种优秀文化兼收并蓄的多元化相融汇的艺术结晶。"Naxi ancient music" Naxi are at a long history of eclectic variety of fine cultural diversity of the art integrated.

既然你知道你的老板注意到并且喜欢这些优点,你可以找到一个办法把这些融汇到你的工作中。Now that you know your boss notices and likes this strength, you can find a way to incorporate more of it into what you do.

我坚信,只要我们奉献出自己小小的爱心,一定能融汇成一片慈善的海洋!I believe as long as everybody here contributes a drop of kindness, a mighty ocean in charity will finnally be formed one day!

这五个名字是广州文化在两千多年的城市历史长河中融汇和积淀的产物。Guangzhou is the name of five thousand years of culture in the city of history and the accumulation of homogenizing the product.

“奥运精神与基督徒信仰的’标杆人生’的生活精神融汇合璧”。The Olympic spirit and the spirit of living a ‘purpose-driven life’ that Christians believe in come together in the combination.

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也就是说他们很难将唬人的把戏融汇到他们的演讲里以说明他们的观点。That means they don't manage to integrate their gimmick seamlessly into their presentation as a way of illustrating their points.

由于窑内炉火燃烧时的高温和化学反应,不同的颜色滴落并融汇成光滑的色调。The colors dripped and melded together to form smooth tones, due to the intense heat and chemical reactions caused by the firing.

我们的媒体消费将不再仅仅是文字或者只是图片,而是文字,视频,音频和动画图形的大融汇。The media we consume will no longer be just words, or just pictures, but a collision of text, video, audio and animated graphics.