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她真是一个户外运动的热衷者。She's a real outdoorsy type.

埃米特热衷竞争——以任何的方式。Emmett likes competition–in any form.

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他把谈话逐渐引导到自己最热衷的话题上。He has led up to his favourite topic.

萨拉·佩林州长一直都热衷跑步。Gov. Sarah Palin has always been a runner.

热衷的事情就是不断地挣钱。He hankers after making money ceaselessly.

这位设计家热衷追求最新潮流。The designer is hip to the latest fashion.

不过他对外国食物也很热衷But he was not indifferent to foreign food.

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这其实并不一定是他非常热衷去干的事。It wasn't necessarily that he was very fond.

我对出国不太热衷。I'm not over-enthusiastic about going abroad.

她真是一个户外运动的热衷者。她喜欢露营。She's a real outdoorsy type. She loves camping.

你热衷政策工作,而且为政府工作。You adore policy work and work for the government.

弱小的势力比强大的势力有时更加热衷冒险。A weak power can be more reckless than a strong one.

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鲁弗斯对所有带“球”的东西都很热衷。Rufas is keen on anything that has the word "ball"in it.

我热衷读书,我还喜欢做饭和烤蛋糕。I'm an avid reader, and I absolutelylove to cook and bake.

在这些事情上,奥林匹阿斯是个内行,是个热衷的人。In these matters olympias was an expert and an enthusiast.

我最热衷做的事情之一就是和人们相识,然后模仿他们。One of my passions is to meet people and then imitate them.

步行波兰贵族骑兵热衷步战厮杀,使用标枪作战。Dismounted, they make solid infantry armed with light spears.

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如果他们不太热衷煮熟的青菜,你就给他们提供生青菜。If they’re not crazy about cooked vegetables, offer them raw.

但印刷体爱好者还是热衷此道。This is thenichethattypography enthusiasts guard with fervor.

我们之所以知晓他是个热衷的观察者,是因为他同时也是一个作家。We know he was a keen observer because he was also an author.