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卖主标识符?。VID? Vender IDentifier?

乔为价格和卖主吵了起来。Joe rowed the seller about the price.

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卖主只能开一个佛牌买卖帖。Seller can only post one sales thread only.

小单间的卖主很罕见到铃铛带子融化。The cell seller seldom sees the bell belt melt.

小单间的卖主很少见到铃铛带子融化。The cell seller seldom sees the bell belt melt.

问卖主,其实,他们也是一知半解的。Asked the seller, in fact, they are ill-understood.

许多房屋的卖主仍然陷在经济衰退的困境中。Many home sellers remain stuck in a recessional rut.

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吴先生同意联系张先生推荐的卖主。Wu agreed to contact a vendor recommended by Mr. Zhang.

除非明日午前接受,否则卖主将撤消报价。Seller will withdraw offer unless accept by tomorrow noon.

一个执着的讨价还价者可能劝说卖主以更低的价格出售。A persistent bargainer may persuade the seller to go lower.

在公同汽车上,繁忙的商人与卖主做了一笔生意。On the bus the busy businessman did a business with the buyer.

减少室内员工与三方卖主之间的冲突Fewer process disputes between in-house staff and third-party vendors

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家庭主妇们一边挑选蔬菜,一边和卖主讨价还加。Housewives were picking out vegetables and bargaining with the sellers.

我买的是二手电脑,卖主没给我别的东西。My computer is second-hand and the seller didn't give me anything else.

托马斯帮我找到了两个能够胜任这些要求的卖主,节省了我很多时间。TREM found me two competent and responsive suppliers that saved my day.

卖主把车说成是一辆古香古色的名贵轿车,但我把它叫做旧破车。The seller described it as a vintage car, but I'd call it an old wreck.

当我还在大学时,这是一个被早期的卖主使用的习惯做法。This was a common practice used by budding marketers when I was in college.

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卖主不会有资格获得对被取消的非风俗物品的报偿。Seller shall not be entitled to compensation for cancelled non-custom Goods.

它还应该打破寡头卖主垄断的局面,对竞争开放,如在电信业部门。It should open up oligopolies , such as in telecommunications, to competition.

您也可以问问卖主是否愿意支付全部或部分卖方过户费用。You can also ask the seller to cover closing costs, whether in full or in part.