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她把我的忠告置之脑后。She devested herself of my advice.

如何才能将所有的担心忧虑置之脑后呢?How can I cast away all my cares and worries ?

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需要承认这种感情的存在,仅仅这样就能使我们把这些感情置之脑后了吗。These feelings need to be acknowledged and only then can we put them behind us.

股票和债券市场在09年强劲反弹,全都把风险置之脑后。Stockmarkets and bond markets rallied substantially in 2009, totally oblivious of the risks.

从现在到选举日,所有这些自吹自擂都将不会让布朗置之脑后。These are not boasts the prime minister will be allowed to forget between now and election day.

我听到了,但是精力集中于回旋踢的我很快把这句话置之脑后。I heard him, but I was concentrating on my spin kicks, so I put it on the back burner of my mind.

你可以列出对方种种不可爱的地方,但你还是把这些置之脑后,继续你的专注。You can list what you don't like about them but then you sweep that aside and focus on what you do.

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巴勒斯坦迅速而明确地作出了回应,将内塔尼亚胡的提议置之脑后。The Palestinian response was swift and unequivocal, dismissing Mr Netanyahu's suggestion out of hand.

双方都将简单的礼貌置之脑后,因此对于大量的消费者来说,服务随之而去。On both sides, simple courtesy has gone by the board. And for a multitude of consumers, service went with it.

让我们把对房地产泡沫和新一茬坏账的担忧放在一旁.也暂时将保护主义置之脑后.Let's leave aside worries of a property bubble and a new crop of bad loans. Forget the specter of protectionism.

但他说,如果一个妈妈听说有朋友用过这些药,并且相信这些药有效的话,他估计他的建议有时会被置之脑后。But if a mom hears from a friend who has used them and believes they work, he said he expects sometimes to be ignored.

那么,那些不那么有威胁,不那么险恶,对我们的影响不那么密切的威胁被我们置之脑后,成为一些笑料,还有什么奇怪的呢?Is it any wonder, then, that the less menacing, less insidious, and less intimate threats are relegated to the background and made light of?

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他们把自然界中正在发生的事情,以及细菌为什么具有置换电子的能力置之脑后,“尼尔森说。They've left behind the question of what's going on in nature and why bacteria might have this ability to exchange electrons, " says Nielsen.

我被告知宫崎先生根本没有退休,而且目前正在制作另一部电影。这又提升了我的失望。我希望能将这置之脑后。I am told that Mr Hayao has not retired after all, but is now making another movie. This has increased my disappointment. I hope to put it behind me.

汉格兰德强调他非常适应富勒姆生活,这名高大的中后卫高兴把转会传闻置之脑后直到真正的报价到来。Hangeland insists that situation suits him just fine, with the towering centre-half happy to put the issue to the back of his mind until something tangible materialises.

如果CERN的实验结论稍有庇误,就会迅速被人们置之脑后,但如果实验天衣无缝的话,等待我们的将是人类认知的惊人未来。If a glitch is found in CERN’s result, the whole thing will rapidly be swept under the carpet and forgotten. If there is no glitch, an astonishing future of understanding beckons.