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今天是一九七九年元旦。Today is New Year's Day 1979.

元旦是一个合成词,由两个字组成。Is a compound word , made up of two words.

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元旦是一个亲属团聚的日子。New Year's Day is a day for family reunion.

他把“元旦”从四月一日移到了元月一日。He moved New Year's day from April 1to January 1.

好运在猴年,快乐过元旦。Good luck in the year of the monkey, happy New Year.

2010年,元旦,子夜刚过了几秒钟。A few seconds after midnight on New Year’s Eve, 2010.

文文终于盼来了元旦化装舞会。The fancy dress ball Wenwen had longed for came at last.

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这是元旦夜和雪的街道空无一人。It was New Year's Eve and the snowed streets were deserted.

你们什么时候把元旦日期变成阳历的。When did you change the date of Yuandan to the solar calendar?

故事的开始始于元旦那一天,我三十二岁仍然小姑独处。It all began on New Year's Day in my 32nd year of being single.

今天应该应该是新一年的开始,是元旦。Today was supposed to be the beginning of the year, New Year's day.

古代的春节叫“元日”、“元旦”、“新年”。The ancient Spring festival is called "Yuanri", "Yuandan", "Xinnian".

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书名叫机遇,第一章,叫新年元旦。The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year's Day.

今天我要为大家献上一份新年特别礼物,这就是伦敦庆元旦大游行现场报道。I'm Lily. Have you ever heard about the New Year's Day Parade in London?

他们还有圣诞节至元旦,复活节和感恩节假日。They also have Christmas to New Year’s, Easter and Thanksgiving holidays.

薛瓦勒的宫殿是开放的,除非圣诞节和元旦每天。Cheval's palace is open every day except Christmas Day and New Year's Day.

1912年元旦,他从商务“跳槽”而创办中华书局。He job-hopped to establish Zhonghua Book Company on the New Years Day of 1912.

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在当代,元旦指公元纪年的岁首第一天。In contemporary, New Year's day, refers to the Christian era at the first day.

元旦前一天,家家户户都必须做到瓶中有酒,橱中有肉。The day before New Year, every household must be a bottle wine pbinet in meat.

元旦小长假,我省旅游市场在阳光的催动下开始发热。During the New Year's holiday, Hunan Province's tourism market welcomed a heat.