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搭配兰瑟系列美白底妆产品使用,让肌肤享受递进式的深层透肌美白。Use it with Lansur whitening makeup base to deeply brighten your skin!

本文的主体部分是对递进关系进行欧拉图分析。The context body is the analysis of climactic relation using eulerian graph.

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说完刀尖又递进去一分,伤口更深。Finish saying the point of a knife passes into penny again, the bruise is deeper.

这些都是年龄结构人口胎次递进算子新的结果。These are the new results in age structure parity progressive population operator.

表示递进关系,通常用于给别人提建议的时候。In addition to meaning "otherwise", "yaoburan" can also be used to give a suggestion.

本文采用递进式结构,共分五部分。This paper adopts the structure of advance by degrees, including five parts altogether.

传统与现代是互动递进的,艺术格局总是多元化的。Traditions and modernism boost each other and the structure of art will remain its Multi-Format.

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论文分四个部分逐步深入递进的介绍消费者信用法。The paper is made up by four parts which gradually and deep-going introduce consumer credit laws.

蛇绿混杂岩破碎混合作用记录了一种递进变形的应变历史。The disrupting and mingling of the melange may record a strain history of progressive deformation.

研究了年龄结构人口胎次递进算子复本征值的代数指标问题。This paper discussed the algebraic multiplicity of the complex eigenvalues of population operator.

提出了一种基于小波多尺度分解的图像递进检索匹配方法。A method is proposed for matching the image progressive retrieval based on multi-scale decompositions.

供应链资源计划系统信息标准化建设包括层层递进的五个层次。The information standardization construction of supply chain resource plan system includes five levels.

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目的探讨递进式教学方法在神经外科临床见习的教学效果。Objective To investigate the effect of progressive teaching methods during neurosurgical clinical training.

为了强调这一品质,曾梵志在面部意象中创设了三个变种,作为从轻度涂鸦到浓度涂鸦的递进态势。Stressing this quality, he created his three variations on a facial image as a sequence from less blurred to more.

本书的结构层层递进,使读者能够循序渐进地掌握学习方法。The book is structured so that the reader gradually builds up an ever-greater skill set as each lesson is mastered.

考察顺承复句、按断复句和递进复句。Study the structure of consistent complex sentence, narrate-judge complex sentence and Progressive complex sentence.

分析采用了由面到点,逐层深入,层层递进的原则。Uses in the analysis from the surface to the spot, is thorough by the level, layer upon layer progressives principle.

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为了拍摄这张照片,我得爬过一个窗户上的小开口,然后让我的朋友把摄影器材递进来给我。For this photograph I had to crawl through a small opening in a window and have my friend pass my camera gear into me.

作为政治伊斯兰理论与运动的先驱,毛杜迪从三个层层递进的方面阐发了政治伊斯兰思想。As a pioneer of theory and practice of political Islam, Mawdudi explained his political Islamic ideas from three aspects.

“递进式倾角”赛道的道路表面,如上图中的布里斯托赛道,倾角离防护墙越近,越增大。Tracks that are progressively banked feature gradually increasing degrees of banking as they get closer to the track wall.