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两名匪徒当场毙命。Two of the bandits were killed on the spot.

盯着羊眼能使羊毙命吗?Can you kill a goat by staring into its eyes?

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一旦它碰到装置就会毙命。Once it touched the installation, it would die.

一只毒镖蛙产生的毒素足以使10个人毙命。Each frog produces enough of the toxin to kill 10 humans.

就枪支毙命率而言,黑人的比率远远超过白人比率。The gun-fatality rate for blacks far exceeds that for whites.

那些吃了有毒食物的人先会生病,并在几天内毙命。Those who eat the poisoned meals would fall ill and die within days.

而用特异功能使山羊毙命仅仅是冰山一角而已。And that killing goats with psychic powers was just the tip of the iceberg.

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你们知道中国有什么好的吗?就是死刑,一枪爆头毙命。YOU know what's good about China ? speedy death sentence. 1 shot to the head.

当波兰军官们当场毙命,集体墓穴很快被一个接一个的尸体填满了。Death was instantaneous, as one by one the Polish officers filled the mass grave.

若不在一两个小时内得到治疗的话,就可能毙命。If not given medical attention within a couple of hours It can be fatal to humans.

拉登中两枪毙命,其中一枪击中他的左眼上方。Osama bin Laden was killed with two shots, one of them hitting above his left eye.

她几乎毙命,后来被紧急送到医院,输了抗毒血清才得救。Shealmost lost her life and had to be rushed to the hospital for anti-venom serum.

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如果不能一枪毙命,受伤的鹿会跑开,你就要跟踪追击了。If player misses kill zone, injured deer will run away, requiring player to track it.

因为他仅仅是用其意念的力量成功地使山羊毙命的。For he has just managed to kill the goat using nothing more than the power of his mind.

如果他能像海德薇那样死去该有多好,在不知不觉间突然毙命!If he could only have died like Hedwig, so quickly he would not have known it had happened!

天啊!这病有些可怕。病人感染24小时后就可能毙命。My goodness! The disease is dreadful. Patients can die 24 hours after the initial infection.

亡命之徒巴曹想开枪射杀贾牡丹,结果被赵越泽和许家姐妹先一步枪击毙命。Desperado Pakistan want to shot Cao Jia peony, the results were Zhao Yueze and Xu sister first shot.

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那份手稿找到以后,接着就是好几名微生物学家的离奇毙命。Following the discovery of the manuscript, a spate of mysterious deaths of microbiologists followed.

另外九名分子被印度突击队队员毙命,他们的尸体仍摆在市太平间里。The other nine terrorists were killed by Indian commandos and their bodies remain in the city morgue.

奥萨马·本拉登死在美国海军海豹突击队的枪下,美国恐怖分子安沃·奥拉基在捕食者导弹的袭击下毙命,赛达姆·侯赛因受尽屈辱,自掘坟墓,被绞刑处死。Osama bin Laden shot by Navy SEALs. American terrorist Anwar al-Awlaki blown up by a Predator missile.