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比钢还要硬的人民子弟兵,向你们致敬!Than steel of the people's army to salute you!

面对危险,我们的子弟兵总是冲在最前面。Faced with danger, our army always rushes to the forefront.

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此间有一个戏剧化的场面,连公牛康纳的子弟兵们都震惊了。On one dramatic occasion even Bull Connor's men were shaken.

张思德------我们是人民的子弟兵,应该为人民服务。Zhang Side ------ We are the people's army should serve the people.

人民子弟兵的事迹举不胜举。The heroic deeds of the people's soldiers are too numerous to enumerate.

人民的子弟兵,永远是人民心中最可爱的人。People's army, the hearts of the people is always the most lovable person.

地震中的中国人—人民子弟兵,武警,消防战士。The chinese people in earthquake-demotic soldiers, military policemen, firemen.

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向所有参与救援行动的人民子弟兵和志愿者致敬!Pay tribute to the people's own army and volunteers involved in rescue operations!

子弟兵们循声找去,是一个女子,他们以最快速度援救着。Soldier of the people to find their Xunsheng, is a woman, with the fastest speed of the rescue.

地震中的中国人—人民子弟兵,武警,消防战士。Chinese people in earthquake area, People's Liberation Army, Armed Police, firman and volunteer.

地震发生已有104个小时,子弟兵们抱着一丝希望,努力寻找着幸存者。Earthquake has 104 hours, the soldiers were holding glimmer of hope, efforts to find the survivors.

这表明,人民子弟兵真正是党和国家的钢铁长城。This shows that the people's army is truly a great wall of steel guarding the Party and the country.

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同样,在中国的意识形态里面,士兵和警察被当作是“人民子弟兵”。Also in social consciousness soldiers and police are supposed to be"people's sons and younger brothers".

我们同是中华儿女,应该学习子弟兵为社会献一份爱心!We are sons and daughters of China, should learn a soldier of the people caring for the community offer!

工农子弟兵愤怒于自己的土地被贪婪的官员鲸吞用于建设。Legions of farmers are angry that their land has been swallowed up for building by greedy local officials.

九江人是会感激人民的子弟兵的,会永永远远记住他们的。Nine rivers persons are the sons soldiers who will feel grateful people of, will always remember them far forever.

尽管如此,达格利什和他的子弟兵们会将全部的注意力集中到全取三分之上而不管北伦敦会发生什么情况。Nonetheless, Dalglish will still be sending his players out fully focused on obtaining three points regardless of what may unfold in north London.

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敌人围剿那百顷大苇塘的时候,她们配合子弟兵作战,出入在那芦苇的海里。When the enemy attempted to "mop up" the marshlands, they worked in coordination with the army, slipping fearlessly in and out of the sea of reeds.

更大的感动,来自于地震现场,灾民的自救互救,志愿者的主动援助,人民子弟兵的英勇奋斗。A bigger move, from the earthquake scene, the disaster victims helps oneself to rescue mutually, volunteer's initiative aid, People's Liberation Army's heroic struggle.

在我们就未来的的发展道路运筹帷幄的时候,应该深深感激那些在遥远的沙漠、在偏僻的山区站岗巡逻的勇敢的子弟兵。As we consider the road that unfolds before us, we remember with humble gratitude those brave Americans who, at this very hour, patrol far- off deserts and distant mountains.