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要想避免那样,你必须做出改变、灵活圆通。To avoid that, you must change and be flexible.

采用“日本”进口镜面不�钢圆通制造。Made of Stainless Steel which inport from Japan.

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想要脉圆通的,请举手,让我看一下!Want to have a good relationships , hands up , Show me , please!

今年中秋节前,圆通速运也再次调价。And Yuantong Express raised price again during mid Autumn Festival.

要使这对离婚夫妇达成一致需要处事极为圆通。Trying to get the divorced couple to agree calls for a great deal of diplomacy.

你要它必须要得有分寸,而且你对上帝或者天神必须非常圆通。You must want it just enough, and you must be very tactful with God or the gods.

第一是杯子装的,第二是圆通,第三是碗装的。The first is the glass installed, the second is the tact, and the third is in the bowl.

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圆通快递从江苏淮安到湖南岳阳要多久?How long does flexible express delivery need from Jiangsu Huai An to Hunan Yue Yang City?

大杨创世表示,根据该笔交易,公司将把其资产转让给圆通快递的股东。Dayang Trands said it will transfer its assets to YTO Express' shareholders under the deal.

圆通是较早与淘宝合作的快递公司之一。It is earlier ripely one of express companies with the collaboration that clean out treasure.

随着网购人群的增长,圆通的网点也向全国铺开。Buy the growth of the crowd as the net, ripely the site also is rolled out to the whole nation.

只有当你修成了灵魂的圆通后才能达成的正觉才是你的最终回报。Only when you achieve perfection in your soul will you find the enlightenment that is your ultimate reward.

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马龙带着密函投宿圆通寺,被师傅海空法师发现。Ma Long is taking intimate letter put up for the night ripely temple, by discovery of master sea empty rabbi.

重庆申通、圆通,中通,韵达快递到各省价格表?Chongqing Shentong, flexible , is hit by rhyme reaches express delivery arriving at every province price list?

利差交易使用的杠杆货币--瑞郎和日圆通常在市场紧张时上涨.The Swiss franc and the yen, both used to fund leveraged carry trades, typically gain in times of market stress.

虽然重视理论体系的自洽和逻辑的圆通,但却失之于对实践向度的关注。It pays much attention to theoretical system and its flexible logic, but it loses the degree of concerning practice.

这样一位满身浪漫情怀和名士派头的诗人,具备政治家必需的权谋、耐心、沉稳和圆通吗?Covered such a romantic manner and the famous poet, a politician with the necessary political, patience, calm and Yuantong it?

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国内我们一般是发顺丰快递,圆通快递,申通快递。In the homeland is to send out smooth abundant express delivery , flexible express delivery , Shentong express delivery like us.

该交易尚需获得监管审批,但公司表示,交易完成后,大杨创世最终将由圆通快递的股东拥有。As a result of the transaction, which will require regulatory approval, the shareholders will ultimately own Dayang Trands, it said.

每一个人的今生都是前世的修行,希望洗尽尘垢,修成正觉的圆通境界。Each lifetime is spent improving on the lifetime before, shedding imperfections in the hope of attaining the perfect state of enlightenment.