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这其中大有哲理。There is much philosophy in it.

历史是最富哲理的教科书。History is the most philosophical textbook.

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因为人们已经忘记那些深奥哲理。For profundities have been forgotten by people.

我一直认为我是那个教给他人生哲理的人。I assumed I was the one doing all the teaching.

这样就产生了机械学哲理。And so you get the ideal of mechanical philosophy.

你没有足够哲理的思考力去解答这个问题。You are not philosopher enough to solve the problem.

是巴尔扎克发表的第一部长篇哲理小说。Honoré de Balzac was a French novelist and playwright.

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宋明理学使儒家学说更加哲理化。Neo-Confucianism to make technology a more philosophical.

这就是哲理,就是许多诸如此类的物理应该遵循的。This is philosophical, as a lot of this physics should be.

你能告诉我们你作为演员的生活哲理吗?Would you tell us your philosophy about living as an actor?

再讲一个,妈妈--讲个带哲理的,就像这个一样。Tell another story, Mother, one with a moral to it, like this.

我学英语不仅是学一门外语,而且是学一种哲理。I study English not only a foreign language, but also a philosophy.

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我从你那学到的一个人生哲理就是,时间总是过得很快。One thing I've learned about life from you is just how fast it goes.

那个吃不到葡萄的狐狸的伪善哲理她听过不知多少遍了。She had heard so much of the canting philosophy of the grapeless fox.

其小说创作中对人生哲理的思考与探索颇具特色,发人深省。Her unique perception on life leaves people much room fur deep thought.

最近发觉扛的一句话很有哲理,什么都在涨价,只有大学生在降价.。Everything is rising in price, but the ony college diploma is depreciating.

这份单子罗列了已走过26年的我所学到的26条人生哲理。Here is a list of 26 life lessons I have learned thus far at the age of 26.

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它所影射的哲理无时不刻的影响着人们的生活、工作和学习。It insinuated philosophy influence people's life, work and study all the time.

我们不想得到什么教训,也不想寻找人类通常要求一件伟大事物所必须蕴含的什么晦涩的哲理。We are not seeking lessons or the bitter philosophy one requires of greatness.

这是小夕们的世界观和生活哲理,用来审视小夕们对魔法的判别力。This is our world view and philosophy of life, which we identify as WitchCraft.