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哦?我要此刻上京赶考准能患上中吗?。Oh? I want to have special attends Beijing now?

乖乖跟爷们上京里去吧!Obediently to Beijing where a with the menfolk go!

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我们才只有两根萝卜,怎能捱到上京?We just have two carrots, how can we afford going Nother ?

抵家里头,打点行囊包裹,上京赶考。你不想你自个儿怎么去呀?。Home, bags, attends Beijing special package rbis. Don't you think you alone how go to?

城镇建设上,出现了上京、中京等大城市,在草原地区出现了大批头下军州城。Large cities such as Shangjing and Zhongjing are built as well as a large number of Tou-xia towns.

当京混填完登记表,接待员已经刷过了卡并在电脑中输入了驾照上京混的个人资料。After Peter completes the form, receptionist has scanned the card and keys in Peter's personal information into the computer.

本文调查了福建省上京矿务局6个煤炭生产单位作业场所的粉尘浓度。The survey on dust concentration was carried out at 6 coal mine workshops of Shangjing Mineral Administration Bureau in Datian County.

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金上京历史博物馆用建筑语言述说了金代历史,用建筑风格体现了金源文化。The Jin Shangjing Historical Museum depicts the history of Jin Dynasty in architecture language, presents the Jin culture in architecture style.

京北顺义是历史上京畿着名的粮仓,顺义天竺镇出产的粮食更是进贡皇家的贡粮。Beijing North Shunyi history of the capital city and its environs are famous silos , Shunyi holly town food is produced tribute to the Royal tribute grain.

通过分析、归纳这些诗歌,运用以诗证史的方法,描绘、勾勒出陶渊明故里上京的园林环境。In this time, he created many pastoral poems. In this article the poems of Tao Yuanming are analyzed and summarized to recur the Shangjing garden environment.

京派作家也有“海派”的纪录,中国新文学史上京海两派,其实同源而异流。Shanghai school of literature can also be found in Beijing school of literature so the two schools in Chinese history of new literature actually have the same origin.

对金上京周边建筑址及陵墓址进行考证,对于研究辽金史有重要的史学价值。With the research work on the buildings and tomb relic around Shangjing Jin Dynasty, the historical values, in terms of Liao-Jin history study, are revealed in the paper.