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人人都必须守法。Everybody must keep the law.

他素来守法。He always abides by the law.

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每个公民都应当守法。Every citizen ought to obey law.

谁都应该守法。Everyone should observe the law.

不守法可能会引起麻烦。Disobeying the law can head to trouble.

遵章守法是唯一可行的道路。The only way we can work is under the law.

我们应当成为守法、配称的公民。We are to be law-abiding, worthy citizens.

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爱好音乐的人是心情平和又守法的国民。They are too law-abiding and to acquiescent.

人人都必须守法,没有例外。Everyone must keep the law, with no exception.

我从现在起将做一个守法公民。I'll be a citizen who obeys the laws from now on.

允许那些守法的枪支拥有者用枪来自卫。Empower law-abiding gun owners to defend themselves.

这侵害了守法枪支买家的权利?An intrusion on the rights of law-abiding gun buyers?

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阿玲在迦南市场经营一家T-shirt店,但她很小心,加上了一句,其他人都是守法的。But she is careful to add that others are law-abiding.

人人须守法,总统亦无例外。Everybody must observe the law not excepting the president.

没有什么命令比“过守法的生活”更具有权威性。No command is more authoritative than "living a lawful life".

不守法的人称不上好公民。No one who ignores the law can call themselves a good citizen.

一群不守法的青年结成一伙,使这个地区充满恐怖。A number of unruly youths ganged up and terrorized the district.

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申请人请求司法审理以便废除责令某人守法的命令。The applicant sought judicial review to quash the bind-over order.

也许他们都生长于教会oppressively守法。Maybe they were raised in a church that was oppressively legalistic.

有的人可能认为我过于拘泥,我不过只是守法而已。Some people may consider me strait-laced, but I'm just obeying the law.