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检测中,标称的进口产品不合格率较高。In detecting, nominal entrance product fraction defective is taller.

订货时请明电缆标称截面,绝缘外径,铠装或非铠装电缆。All the cable section , insulation Dia. ar. armored or not should be signed.

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为实现连续运行,建议最大标称电流为250毫安。For continuous operation a maximum nominal current of 250 mA is recommended.

测试过程中的大多数时间,他的连接速度都近乎ISP的标称速度。Most of the time, he was getting rates close to those advertised by his ISP.

采用C-W制导算法,对寻的段飞行任务的标称轨道进行了设计。The normal orbit in the homing phase is designed based on a C-W guidance law.

交流电力系统的标称频率值。Conventionally , the values of frequency used in the electricity supply systems.

研究了标称飞行轨道最优交会点选取,交会时间与发射时间计算等问题。The ideal rendezvous time, launch time and rendezvous point in space were studied.

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本建议提出了有关图象信号的标称幅度的导则。This Recommendation provides the guidance on the nominal amplitude of picture signals.

标称容量是指在常温20℃下放电至终止电压为2.0V时的容量。Nominal capacity shown is based on standard drain and cut off voltage down to 2.0V at 20℃.

除此之外,它也会在航空器移动到标称姿态时执行一些部署操作。In addition, it also performs several deployment operations as the spacecraft moves into its nominal attitude.

跟踪算法则采用反馈线性化来跟踪此标称轨迹进而满足所有的约束条件。The tracking algorithm uses feedback linearization method to track this nominal profile and meet all constraints.

在标称操作中,控制系统将会从初始模式开始并在模式5、7、和8中达到稳定。In nominal operation, the control system will progress through the initial modes and stabilize in modes 5, 7, and 8.

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微型保险丝,非常快动式。插件。额定电流4。标称电阻冷0.0202欧姆。额定电压125。MICRO fuse, very fast-acting type. Plug-in. Ampere rating 4. Nominal resistance cold 0.0202 Ohms. Voltage rating 125.

微型保险丝,非常快动式。插件。额定电流5。标称电阻冷0.0156欧姆。额定电压125。MICRO fuse, very fast-acting type. Plug-in. Ampere rating 5. Nominal resistance cold 0.0156 Ohms. Voltage rating 125.

标称处理能力的第二个重要特点是,它是利用率统计和性能报告的基础。The second crucial aspect of entitled capacity is being the basis for utilization statistics and performance reporting.

不法商贩因此浑水摸鱼,不管酱油是配制还是酿造,全都标称是“酿造酱油”。Therefore, no matter pusher fish in troubled waters made from soy sauce is still, all nominal is "fermented soy sauce".

在标称情况下,反馈控制律可表示为无记忆反馈和带记忆反馈的叠加形式。In the nominal case, a state feedback control law is obtained in the form of the sum of the memoryless and memory state feedback.

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标准试体之强度虽可发展至标称设计强度,但在超过极限强度后即迅速产生无韧性破坏。The benchmark specimen developed its design strength but a non-ductile failure mode occurred soon after the peak load was reached.

倾角长期的变化又进一步导致回归轨道的标称半长轴和降交点地方时的相应变化。Long-term inclination variation will induce the relevant changes both of the nominal semi-major axes and local time of descending node.

所有采用八边形包覆之钢板或碳纤维补强试体,其轴向强度均可提升至柱标称轴向强度的两倍以上。Tests confirm that all octagonal steel or CFRP jacketed specimens have axial loading capacities more than 2 times the nominal capacity.