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但现在,这个地区已经被外族征服了It has been conquered by now by other peoples.

中国大陆很少和外族通婚更别说嫁给那些非洲人了。Mainland chinese seldom intermarry let alone marrying those of African descent.

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昨天,她参加了考试的主题讲与图片的外族。Yesterday, She attended the exam of Chinese. The subject is speaking with the picture.

伊拉克人民一穷二白、手无寸铁,但他们还是有骨气的民族,对于外族占领唯一能够做的只有时不时通过炸弹袭击来进行反抗。The only thing they can do as a resistance are those bomb attacks.I do not support those attacks.

每次进球后击掌庆祝,他都很高兴能和这些外族伙伴一起玩。When giving high-fives to them after a goal, he felt happy to be playing on such an exotic squad.

通过吸纳外族文化融入阿芝科特文明,地区领导者能够提高威望。Local leaders could gain prestige by adopting and adding to the culture of the Aztec civilization.

伊拉克人民一穷二白、手无寸铁,但他们还是有骨气的民族,对于外族占领唯一能够做的只有时不时通过炸弹袭击来进行反抗。The only thing they can do as a resistance are those bomb attacks. I do not support those attacks.

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那些完全没外出旅行过的人会视所有外族为野蛮人。The completely untravelled person will view all foreigners as the savage regards a member of another herd.

真的能把中国2,000年来的外族入侵、叛乱谋反和国内战争归咎于气候模式?Could 2,000 years of foreign invasions, rebellions and civil war really be boiled down to weather patterns?

几千年以来的古代历史轨迹中,印度屡次遭受外族的入侵,也塑造了其开放多样的文化。During thousands of years in ancient India, it subjected to foreign invasion, and shaped of variety of culture.

好景不长,他们承受了几个世纪的奴役,苦力和为外族的利益奉献生命。Later, however, they had to endure centuries of enslavement, toiling and dying for the benefit of foreign masters.

当涉及外族,他们毫不留情地发起攻击,充满恶意,杀气腾腾。When it comes to other races though they hold nothing back, attacking them mercilessly, maliciously and murderously.

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他们可能存在于外族文化、罕见的亚文化之中,也可能就在你不愿苟同的那本书的某一页上。These experiences may exist in foreign cultures, unusual subcultures, or between the pages of a book you disagree with.

无论对于中国屈辱的近代历史,还是中国人民对于外族的反感而言,这次事件都令其达到最高潮。This event provided a ghastly climax to China’s years of humiliation and confirmed its people’s abhorrence of outsiders.

还有一些害怕外族男性不喜欢黑人女性或是担心生出的孩子不够“黑”。Still others fear that men of other races find black women unattractive, or that their children might be “not black enough”.

自从有人类历史记载以来,英伦三岛曾遭受三次外族入侵,这三个入侵者分别是谁?Since historical times England has been conquered three times. It was conquered by the Anglo- Saxons the Normans and the Romans.

它们在区分血亲姻亲、宗族与外族以及亲属称谓泛化等方面都有差异。The difference exists in differentiation of consanguinity and affinity, clan and non-clan and the generalization of the kinship terms.

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外族分子借助流动进入辽朝社会上层和统治核心,扩大了辽朝统治的社会基础。Un-Qidan people entered to the upper class and the center of government by this social mobilization, which enlarged the rule basement.

但是第二次世界大战以后,犹太人同外族通婚的比率极高,美国犹太主义者的进步力量便开始重新审视这一现象。But the very high rate of Jewish out-marriage since World War II has caused an official rethinking among the progressive elements of American Judaism.

在这种对立的关系中定义自我,因此自我的定义建立在与其他外族的区别之上。这个过程自然地从一些相邻民族延续到另一些相邻民族。Each people is dependent on the immediately outside other for its self-definition, and this of course goes from one set of neighbouring peoples to the next.