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茫茫沙漠中瀚海之一粟。A grain of desert sand.

她逃入茫茫夜色中。She fled into the night.

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就在茫茫大海的正中间。In the middle of the sea.

五绝四海云茫茫。The sea of clouds is vast.

让我在茫茫人海中遇见你。Let me meet you in the world.

和茫茫七海之水。The waters of the seven seas.

洪水升高了,像茫茫的海洋。The water moved up like a sea.

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茫茫大都会不了寂寞情。A great city a great loneliness.

奈生死茫茫无极。Nairobi death boundless non-polar.

茫茫一片车海围绕着我。A sea of automobiles surrounded me.

人海茫茫中,我认识你。Out of the many people, I know you.

黑昼茫茫,白夜朗朗。In blackest day, in brightest night.

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在茫茫天地间迷失已久!Long lost between the earth and sky!

才有今日流入人海茫茫。So today into the vast sea of faces.

茫茫己海,无多少集体能干到这样?。How many people can you say that about ?

我搜寻他,却只看到茫茫白雪。When I search for him all I see is snow.

一个老人,一只破旧的船与一片茫茫大海。An old man, a shabby boat and a vast sea.

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它必须能在茫茫大漠长途游弋It must swim for miles through the desert

船漂流在茫茫无边的大海上。The ship was adrift on the boundless sea.

迷迷茫茫中,总是不知道该前行,还是止足。Confused, do not know the way, still foot.