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那部车已改良了很多。The car is very much improved.

布林德雷所作的改良是很实际的。Brindley's improvements were practical.

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这台机器是由一位青年工人改良的。The machine was improved by a young worker.

人们戴眼镜以改良目力。People wear glasses to improve their vision.

田地经过不时旳休耕可得到改良。Fields are improved by lying fallow at times.

也许这是一个可行的小鬼改良的方法。Maybe this could be rolled into Improved Imp.

落到地上的树叶还能改良土壤。They improve the soil when their leaves fall.

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并将其改良,授予严咏春先祖。Its improvement, given Yanyong Chun ancestors.

全新改良之高密度全钢油网。Newly improvised high density steel extension.

砂质化或白垩化很重的土壤需要改良。Very sandy and chalky soils will need improving.

有时会作为改良剂列在食品包装上。It is sometimes listed as E920 on food packaging.

改良叹气法是肺复张的一种方法。Modified sigh is a kind of recruitment maneuvers.

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然后我们就进行稻种改良工作。Then we undertook to improve our strains of rice.

大范围的收罗改良倡议。Use broad range of sources for improvement ideas.

样品由改良湿法制备,实验温度65~90℃。Experiment temperature is in the range of 65 -90℃.

许多岛民对此地的经济改良很生气。Many islanders resent the pace of economic reforms.

加入安琪A500面包改良剂可使面包保持柔软。Add Angel A500 bread improver to keep the bread soft.

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为分阶段地进行土壤改良提供了依据。It would be the scientific basic for soil improvement.

进一步改良酒庄风格也是吉奥夫若的决定。Evolving the style of DP is also his decision, he says.

指营业上使用之土地及具有永久性之土地改良。Land and perpetual land improvements for operating use.